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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • You’re probably selling yourself short on the tech front and over-estimating the difficulty of installing something new. If you wanted to install something like Linux Mint or Fedora, the most complicated step would likely involve making a bootable thumbdrive to load it from. You could check that all your hardware works as intended (ie, can you connect to wifi, does sound play properly, can you watch a video on youtube, etc) without actually modifying your base OS, and if it does, the installations mostly hold your hand and you can get a perfectly sane setup just sticking to the defaults for most things and clicking next. There are plenty of options out there where you don’t need to be a command-line wizard to have a perfectly usable system.

  • I would just say that not everything needs to be a BIFL product, but there can be a tendency to push towards recommending only buying the best of everything. Like, I cook a lot at home, so it made sense to buy a $200 chef’s knife that I’ll get tons of use from and decent sharpening stones to maintain the edge. I listen to a ton of music, so I’ve dropped probably around $1500 into a pretty good pair of headphones, a DAC and an amp. On the other hand, I solder like once every couple of years, so getting my cheapo $40 Amazon special made more sense than dropping $500 on a much better soldering iron that offers features I simply don’t need and won’t benefit from. Sometimes good enough is exactly that, but it can be a nuance lost in these discussions.

    Heck, even though I use them several hours a day, my hearing just isn’t that good for me to justify spending a substantial amount upgrading my current audio gear. Even if there is an improvement to be had, I’m not sure it would be something I could even notice, so I’m not tempted to go down the rabbit-hole of upgrading my DAC, amp or headphones, as it would be chasing diminishing returns that I’m not even sure would be perceptible for me at a simple biological level.

  • I wouldn’t jump to compare Reddit to Amazon. Amazon may have operated at a loss for a few years, but it seems pretty clear that Bezos did have a roadmap to make it a profitable business and made decisions to make progress towards that relatively early. Reddit has never been a profitable business and has no real way to get there that doesn’t alienate increasing numbers of their users. It’s basically in a race to cut a deal that makes spez some money off the whole thing before the bottom falls out from under it and someone else is left holding the bag.

    Even when Amazon expanded into categories and took losses on them, Bezos was able to do so knowing that it would damage other businesses that didn’t have the deep backing needed to outlast him, eventually leading to many competing retailers in that sector shuttering and Amazon being able to raise prices and rake in money once there wasn’t really another competitor in a given field. He might be a massive scumbag, but spez is a massive scumbag and an absolutely inept businessman. For all his assholery, the best case scenario for his legacy is driving reddit into the ground and managing to foist it off on someone else before they realize it’s no longer worth anything.

  • I’ve had bad experiences with all of them, it’s just the most consistent with FedEx. Out of the major services, I prefer USPS and DHL, by far, but even they still fumble things from time to time. FedEx has just been a consistent pain to deal with, across 3 addresses at this point. Plus, I happen to get off work and get home right around when FedEx comes through my neighborhood, so I’ve had the pleasure of seeing the lady that handles this area literally hurl every package small enough for her to be physically capable of doing so the 8 feet from the sidewalk to peoples’ front porches. I buy a lot of small, delicate things. Do other couriers toss stuff around? Probably at some point. But I know it’s a 100% guarantee it’ll happen with this lady, so I’ll take the “probably, at some point,” over a sure thing.

    If they don’t deliver something to me and determine I need to go pick it up, their delivery hubs are also the least convenient to reach. One is across my county, the other halfway across the neighboring county, Both are at least 90 minute trips each way on public transportation, with a healthy walk between the last stop and their location. At least UPS drops things off a 15 minute walk away, and the post office is probably a 10 minute walk.

  • How has moving more to the right been working for them? They need to realize already that they’re out of touch with much of their voter base. Maybe they don’t run more progressive candidates in purple states as a strategic call, but they could try something new in more liberal cities, at least, and start moving the conversation. I can’t be the only one where my primary options straight up suck. Oh, yeah, change things from within, where I have Corporate Democrats #1 and #2, running along with the Working Families Party candidate whose only concession is something weak like “Maybe we should increase EBT eligibility, but means test the hell out of it so it’s a full time job to manage your application.”

    The current Democratic party basically claims to represent everyone to the left of Mussolini at this point, and that’s too big a group to be a functional political unit. Unfortunately, we’re basically screwed on a third party being viable, as it would depend on the two current parties taking action to change voting procedures in a way that could only hurt them. Democrats and Republicans are both content to sit on their hands right now, as they know that no matter how unpopular they may be, how badly they might lose elections, it’s only a matter of time before the other guys piss people off enough and the pendulum swings back to them.

  • This is great and all, but it doesn’t mean too much if Biden doesn’t actually care to correct course. There have been plenty of protests already showing the current policy is increasingly opposed by significant sections of the population, yet they’re only making the most token efforts at any sort of real change in their stance towards Israel. If tens of thousands of people turning out for protests on the matter don’t get it through the heads of Biden and other Democrats that this stance is untenable, I don’t see why we should expect he’ll suddenly start listening for a few staffers sending a stern letter.

    In all likelihood, they’ll hold the line on this, then when Democrats lose the next elections, they’ll blame it on racists, antisemites, more leftist candidates spoiling their chances, or literally anything but doing some reflection and realizing some of their long-held positions are now deeply unpopular with a significant portion of their voter base.

  • My hard drive on my laptop died in college and I needed to get a paper written in a few days. I didn’t money to get a new Windows license and Fedora was free and had a live disc I could burn to install off of in the school’s computer lab without getting in trouble. I distro hopped a bit since then, but never went back to Windows. Things worked and it wasn’t as hard as people made it sound.

    No evangelizing, I just use my computer.