Help step bro im stuck in the ethernet port
Help step bro im stuck in the ethernet port
Matt Parker will destroy us all! (
which scp is this
I always found it weird that tony said this because like he is also pretty much nothing without his suit?
Well you have no excuse since all of the names in elden ring lore are so varied and not at all similar to each other
Haaaaank! I’m still not used to the curls lmao
That’s a great one. Maybe it’s time to reread the bradbury anthology collection I have. Some of his work can be a total brain bender
Asimov in school is a true power move, hell yeah. I did *read Bradbury’s Farenheit 451 and that book changed my (literary) life as a kid. My school was christian so good literature was few and far between
I just read this as an adult a few weeks ago actually. Pretty dope thing to have read in class but I can see how it would make a lasting impression
My stupid america brain forced me to read that as “Grand Canyon” at least three times before getting it right, I was rather confused
Must be something weird on voyager or just my phone then, apologies
…why is this nsfw exactly?
Depends on the situation (and pants) for me. It’s always temporary though as I dont want to sit on it .
My favorite way to eat cake is in shake form
The bible. Set aside any religious connotations and just look at it as a piece of literature: it’s terrible.
Oic, thanks for curing some of my ignorance
Damn I didnt know titus welliver was a lex