It hurts when i shit corn but it won’t stop me from eating it. real good shit.
You do understand this is done on purpose for reactions like yours?
little critter. i had a video game of one of the books i used to play the shit out of as a kid.
well i never had a penis in my mouth but i dont mind penises on my partners…
cool. sadly i find minecraft super boring
I will add that a waterpik is a really nice tool to add to your dental hygiene routine.
i thought coil stoves with glass on top were induction stoves? i have the coil stove with the coil exposed. its a peice of shit but i have no choice since i live in a apartment.
still haven’t seen that movie.
damm true.
That we would live in peace
and ill throw that suggestion into the fucking trash.
can you ducking duck off you ducking ducker?
its a website that has man pages for stuff.
yeah i really hate that