The current system of job seeking often requires to lie on resume. It is even being highly recommended by people that coach people for job seeking, although with some moderation of course.

  • I’ve only ever even had one job call anyone I had on my resume.

    I know this, because every contact info other than my own on my resume for the last 15 years has been fake and will forward to my own phone so I can pretend to be my own reference if I need to.

    I could probably lie about being able to actually do the job and having past experience in it, too; but that would be a little silly since I wouldn’t be able to actually do the job and they would find that out pretty quick.

          1 year ago

          I’m just imagining you thinking up different characters for each job, Daniel from the supermarket, he’s young, into fitness, goes to the gym daily, so you’re putting on a tough muscle man voice, then it’s Sheila from the library, quiet mousy lady, 65, maybe Scottish? Now you’re doing a Mrs Doubtfire voice.