Has anyone seen any discussion on how companions behave in combat?
I haven’t seen anything so far and am a bit worried that they just follow you around like in previous fallout games…
I’m hoping that companion interactions are somewhat similar to how mass effect handles it: you can have them move to a specific spot and use particular abities. Any idea how it actually works?
If you want to do anything stealthy, send your companions away. They are absolutely useless in stealth missions. For the combat part, i see no real improvement compared to Todd’s previous games. But that’s just my opinion (15h played)
Not all companions are useless in stealth. Andreja is pretty good, she seems to start off with a chameleon space suit so she goes invisible when not moving. Barret on the other hand is utterly useless on stealth missions.
The AI is the same as it’s been since Skyrim. You can command them to do things the same, and they behave the same.