Looks like we share a cat!
Distilled water does not have chlorine!
With kimchi, I used very little water (only the amount the recipe suggests). The veggies I use( Chinese cabbage) contains a lot of water naturally and my batch always overflows once fermentation happens.
#3 is accurate! I absolutely eyeballed my salt and hot sauce and did not do things correctly.
Then Surprised Pikachu face when it got moldy.
I absolutely took a in-person workshop and then watched a dozen YouTube videos.
My first batch was awful. Like putrid and rancid.
My second one was edible!
This was actually my life a few years ago.
I was hardening our applications to stop scraping and automation bots.
Then contributing to open-source to have better scraping and automation.
I wasn’t purposely creating loop holes or anything because that’s highly illegal. It’s about making sure both sides “play nice”, because the automation bots are frequently used by spammers/evildoers.