Who the fuck greenlit this movie?
Who the fuck greenlit this movie?
You can tell everyone in this thread is younger than me by the amount of prequel love.
Preheat the bed for 5 minutes before running leveling.
So your options as a mod are to endlessly debate with people arguing in bad faith, or just ignore them and let the community block them.
So I’m curious, this presumably needs DRM free ebooks to begin with right? Chances are if you have those you have a line on audio books as well. Is this intended for the books that just aren’t available as audio books yet?
If you are visually impaired you can get free audio books from The Braille Institute.
Maybe from ALDI but certainly not a ninja brand. Food dehydrator might be cheaper, especially from some place like ALDI.
Technically The Void is the villain. But he and Sentry share a body.
I enjoyed the trailer, but 3 of the group are literally super soldiers.
150F is pretty much the target for PETG in most dryers as well. 60C which is 140F.
The real question is, what is that spool made from? Can it take the temperature? Do you want that leaching chemicals into your convection oven?
The people with the most money are always about doing for yourself and helping no-one else. That’s how they get that money in the first place. But they never mind taking from others
Two Shield TVs because there’s not really anything else.
Always has been in the US.
Great advice, do not put all your eggs in one basket. Makes it easier to jump ship when it’s only one service.
Nope, the dumb asses took that concept and ran with it for measles because they’re stupid.
He will sell out any country to the highest bidder.
If the integration has a cloud symbol you should assume it’s sharing data. There is an unofficial integration “store” called HACS. Those integrations are not reviewed by Home Assistant so you cannot be sure even if it is marked as not being a cloud integration, unless you review the code it may do things you are unaware of. That said, many HACS integrations are worth considering.
So it’s not a lack of ability, but will.
Do you have any good sources for Russia’s inability to jam Starlink? I find that claim dubious.
That’s an orangutan, you can tell by the color.