Dodecahedron December

I try things on the internet.

rarely, shit just works.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I only recently was able to work at a place that got good enough health insurance to afford vyvanse. It was still something that I needed to try the generic, and insurance-preferred drugs first like Adderall XR but once I tried it and mentioned that it didn’t work so well, I could get the Vyvnase Rx filled. $30 copay instead of $10 but well worth it. Generally, the only reason for this is because there’s no generic. So hopefully with the generic coming soon more adhd folks could try this.

    I too wish I didn’t have to take meds. I wish my brain just worked the way it should. The thing about ADHD is though you’re already likely finding your own stimulants or stimuli. Kids with ADHD unknowningly self-medicate with sugar. Actually, Dr. Russell Barkley also mentions that if you have ADHD and you aren’t medicated and you want to have your brain work a little better for a short duration, you can sip (he emphases slowly sip) on a sugary beverage such as a soda. Liquified sugar passes the blood-brain barrier faster than solid sugars would in the stomach. Sugar itself lights up similar pathways in the brain as cocaine.

    There are other forms of stimulation besides drugs but the intention of the drugs is to provide a baseline level of stimulation so that you don’t need to seek out your own stimulation (or, not as much of it). It’s such a strange thing to explain to people, but in order for me to concentrate on what someone is saying, I need to be doing something else at the same time.

  • Concerta isn’t a stimulant. And if adderall isn’t allowed in your country, vyvanse likely will also not be available. Both adderall and vyvanse are amphetamines/ mixed amphetamine salts. The other option for stimulant meds is Ritalin which is Methylphenidate. In the US, doctors can technically prescribe methamphetamine but it is very rare if ever prescribed because it isn’t as good of an adhd med.

    As far as a window for effect, the deug works something like 12 to 18 hours, which is perfect for me because I need it to do housework, work a d housework when I am home.

  • (paraphrased from memory, not verbatim) Adhd is a genetic condition which warrants genetic therapy. Stimulants work well for this but they only work while it is in the bloodstream.

    – Dr. Russel Barkley, paraphrased from one of talks on adhd

    Personally different stimulants have different effects on different people. On Ritalin I am super chatty but cannot focus. On adderall/vyvanse I am not always chatty but I can focus. The generic of vyvanse is supposed to be out soon and if anyone is looking for all day meds but want something a little more gentle than the come up of adderall definitely talk to your doc. Tangent, but vyvanse has an interesting delivery mechanism: its a prodrug that turns into a stumulant in your GI tract. As such, it uses your digesting of food throughout the day to produce more stimulant. One advantage of vyvanse is that it cannot get you high if it is snorted (which helps alleviate the concern of abuse) because it must be made into a stimulant in your body. The big problem with vyvanse for a while has been that it’s non-generic and something like $400 a month if paid out of pocket.

    1. It is, however, a graph of the world population. I see your point though.

    2. Not agreeing with pronatalism but it is interesting comparison in domain names. Pronatalist on it’s cover sounds nice, like ‘prolife’. Who isn’t for life?! And births are life! So, hey we found the solution to the population decline, let’s all start making babies, pronatalism! Meanwhile I can quickly google and see that wow, population isn’t declining, just look at the graph! So, as a visitor to the site who doesn’t know anything about it, “pronatalism” “prolife” and “pro-candy” all sound like nice, safe, easy things to get into. Stop population decline sounds like trying to stop a thing that isn’t happening until you understand that it’s a more nuanced view of population - that decline is happening but on the scale we see in the graph you can’t really detect it. (Note:i don’t support prolife or pronatalism agendas, i just wanted to do a thought experiment to show my point).

    3. Fair point. It’s hard to convey that in a domain name. Maybe stoppopulationdecline does that to most people already.

  • Ok, then why the domain name? Why the name of the site? Where is this decline?

    I mean, at some point in this chart, the admin of the site decided “stoppopulationdecline” was the brand they were going to go with… and yet, I see no point in this chart where the population was declining.

    The only folks I hear talking about the decline of population usually refer to the decline fo the white population.

    From what I’ve seen, population decline is usually discussed in terms of birth rates, and less so on the current population declining due deaths. If this site is refering to an increase in deaths as population decline, we would think we would see it on the graph.

    It just may be an unfortunate name chosen. It certainly raises my BS alarm.