• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • I was a dumb kid, went for the same consistency in the grossest way possible, which was putting spoonfuls in my mouth, spitting it back into the bowl and mixing it in. One day an older friend saw that, horrified. Told me to just stir the ice cream for a while instead and I stopped with the saliva ice cream shenanigans from then on.

  • You’re responding as if they’ve expressed any sort of opinion on that but it’s just facts. It’s just a fact of the state of “journalism” and how online content works now. Higher engagement means more reach, it’s just SEO/marketing shit. These companies aren’t doing it for the betterment of society.

  • You’re absolutely right. I’ve accomplished so much since my last - and abusive - relationship. For some reason I was able to recover from it very quickly, and I say this as someone who took 5 years to fully get over my first (also abusive) bf.

    I was VERY codependent and the relationship traumatized me, but less than 2 months after the breakup, I entered an international comedy competition and won first place. Suddenly people who didn’t give a shit about me before wanted me on their shows. I had all sorts of new opportunities thrown at me and now I have a huge list of things I can happily brag about.

    I probably would never have taken that sort of plunge when I was with my ex. Maybe hitting rock bottom + the anger made me fearless, I don’t know.

    I still struggle a bit with self-image and social anxiety, but I can see how far I’ve come and I think overall, I’m a pretty cool person.

    Thank you for reminding me that I don’t have to settle for someone who doesn’t see that. You’re right, I shouldn’t have to convince someone to be with me. I’ll tell myself that next time I have a “everything reminds me of him :'(” moment (and I’m having a LOT of those, ughh)

  • I’m pretty confident it wasn’t due to a secret relationship. He’s a digital nomad so he’s never in one place for very long, which he’d stated early on as to why he doesn’t expect to have a long term relationship with anyone.

    So in fairness to him, he did try to manage my expectations. I knew it was a “situationship” and even told myself to not get too invested, just enjoy the moment with him etc and be ready to move on once he left.

    I lost sight of that the longer we spent together, and despite what he said at the beginning, I naively thought that things were naturally developing into something more serious and that he’d be willing to do something long distance with me.

    But in fairness to me also, he did say things like how he didn’t expect that we’d become so close, that I was the first person to make him reconsider moving back to his home country, and he did all kinds of things that imo, most people wouldn’t do for someone who’s just a casual fling. It’s just hard for me to understand that sort of inconsistency, but I guess all I can do is accept that people can be like that and that they’ll disappoint you as a result.