I mean it’s technically a blog and not news so there is no real standard of journalism.
I mean it’s technically a blog and not news so there is no real standard of journalism.
There is still Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act that protects that.
Hope they release on macOS too
I wouldn’t get BMW, lesser range. Worse software. Rivian or Tesla for me.
The Democratic meetings are in the back rooms of the DNC where they plot to kill Bernie Sanders.
Do not let the cats out of which side of the door though? Is the cat on the wrong side currently or are they on the correct side?
They don’t get him. He is an independent, and they are right wing.
Flash on all 3 photos? Me thanks this is fake.
They will make it into a mandatory dress uniform for school children.
I don’t get it. This isn’t funny. I wouldn’t approve it in merge request. Most wouldn’t.
That’s actually ok. As long as it stops congestion and improves safety. That is the whole point.
They still aren’t required to go through SEC regulations and can make up some PR nonsense evaluation.
Is a private company that can say it’s worth whatever they want it doesn’t make it true. Only public companies have to have the bare minimum of transparency
Isn’t it a private company? They could say it’s worth infinity trillion dollars…
It fixed congestion.
Right but the software is not optimized for it.
I meant workstation like a thin client that connects to better hardware. I did describe software and not hardware.
Windows only 🤮