simply use thefuck
simply use thefuck
the sauropods were nearly extinct by the time of the k-pg impact, so this is clearly an entirely different comet that had a lovely time and left without causing any major event to occur
yeah definitely, look at the details on the mecha-hand.
i wouldn’t call this particular usage unethical though
my youngest sibling says their gender changes to make them gay for anyone they’re attracted to
i thought that was an image generation prompt at first and thought “wow whatever model they’re using has gotten really good at context and composition. i can’t even tell it’s ml generated. oh wait”
you might need more iron. eat broccoli. or take iron gummies
yeah people forget the roughly 12 milliseconds of hope between not knowing what nfts were and finding out they were a scam
im gonna not try that
according to google’s new ai, this is from bubblegum crash
framerate drops to 2 fps
10000 identical johns smith appear clipping into each other
physics engine goes haywire and the room turns into a mess of spinning viscera
i showed this to my wife and she bit me
what indeed; that’s an orangutan, not a monkey
skyrim male grunts compilation #37
thank god elon is protecting the abused c*s minority from the persecution they face on a daily basis, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to do transphobia as much
we used to use cow pancreas to get insulin actually. fortunately bioreactors exist and some clever people figured out how to gmo bacteria to make insulin
isn’t nitrous also like an important chemical precursor in a lot of manufacturing
yeah instead invest all your money into lesbian furries
oh, no, it’s far worse than that. the last 90% is enough time to make what you thought was the first 90% become 10%.
so 0.9*expected time = 0.1* actual time
which, if you can do some very basic algebra, results in 900%. this implies that every project will seem “almost done” for about 9x the length of time you thought the project would take. in my experience, this is roughly correct
you must be a professional quote maker
yummyy :D