Well humanity is dying a little bit due to climate change.
Well humanity is dying a little bit due to climate change.
Well… sufficient local processing power would enable personalized “creators” which are pre-trained to provide certain content (e.g. A game). Those thingies will definitely be pirates, hacked and modded.
As they currently already are…
I don’t understand your argument. Are you American? What did you vote for and why? If you are not American what do you gain? Are you active outside of Lemmy? What organizations would you suggest to support?
What is constructive on your style of discourse?
Musk is the false Prophet. He promised a Solar-Punk future by combining capitalism with eco friendly technologies. A way out, bridging the generational gap. A true visionary.
Well, all fake, all lies, that guy is a Nazi.
GOD is untouchable, unknown and all mighty. The Satan pendant here would be Putin.
Regarding their control over most nuclear weapons… that’s a bingo for Apocalypse. (They could extort countries by threatening nuclear strikes. And no one could do anything about it. Fascists in both countries would support it).
Edit: Made it even darker.
Solidarity is the word, communists used and Americans banned. Without solidarity you get exactly the USA of today. A nation of egoists.
It’s ether wash or scrub, but for the entire body. What psycho scrubs the torso but not the legs or who washes the torso and scrubs the legs? You people are both weird.
The Story of Black Flag was tongue in cheek 100% and very blunt about it… yes… but gameplay wise, Black Flag was definitely the requiem on everything the series had to offer (and more).
And again, you are right. I stopped caring. I wouldn’t even know a new AC is coming if it wasn’t for all the stupid stuff like “I don’t want to play a black man or a Asian woman” or “why is the first playable Asian protagonist black”… the game itself well… why?
But should Ubisoft go down, I would miss their quirky games like Splinter Cell, XIII and even Far Cry…
The early one, they can’t skip building IP and a Brand based on Quality and jump directly to the Disney/Now Nintendo approach of suing everything.
If Sony wants to survive this video game “crash” they have to copy the Nintendo-Strategy.
Wtf? AC2 and the entire Enzio Series are why AC got a Fan-Base in the first Place. AC1 was a mind blowing gameplay curiosity with lots of rough edges.
The last AC that got me interested was Unity, simply because it felt like AC2 in France (similar Story even).
The last AC that got me thrilled was Black Flag… I mean… it’s legendary!!!
Abusive Families are Families too…
Out of my perspective, one system punishes overlords and the other doesn’t. I know what you mean regarding the prohibition on critics of the system / important people / journalism / science … but if we strictly compare the US with China in terms of billionaire punishment, China wins…
And regarding the massive steps the USA takes towards an autocracy, I would say the other aspects of the argument won’t hold up much longer.
It seems like we need to go through this shit to finally get our star trek future.
Yes … but they ARE jailed (or worse). And they all know the Party has shit on them and they still chose to rise. That’s their game… what’s the western equivalent? Be born rich, cause literal chemical natural disasters by lobby work and shitty investment decisions and what happens?.. correct… In china they be ded…
I take almost any Chinese party official over an American Billionaire. Rich people had their chance to prove capitalism works, it didn’t…
China has shown it jails Billionaires, so their Justice system works better than the one in the US.
Sketchy Oligargh Billionaire App VS State-Run-Sketchy Party-Official-Billionaires App…
Idk… Sounds like loose loose…
I would say we still have 10-20 years… 5 is a little pessimistic. /s
Lowfi TicToc would be perfect. Just upload the thousands of loops from Z0R or POWN.IT and wait.
I think that should be tried first. I really think Ai could replace them! (Especially CEOs)
In my country it was never seen as anything else than a disinformation platform for Russian shills and rich “famous” people posting shit about invermicin and corona.
Sinal, Threema for security. WhatsApp/Wechat for Family. Telegram… for family you don’t want but sadly have.
Lots of sex stuff with kids… some accidental murder and drug binges… the typical conservative stuff they project on others.