Dude! I told you in confidence not to share that info.
I guess I have no choice but to share that @spittingimage@lemmy.world has the world’s biggest human anus. It’s been a scientific mystery about how it got to be so big.
Dude! I told you in confidence not to share that info.
I guess I have no choice but to share that @spittingimage@lemmy.world has the world’s biggest human anus. It’s been a scientific mystery about how it got to be so big.
To be fair, I purposely didn’t do a deep dive on xkcd so that whenever I did see a related post in the comments, it was almost always fresh to me. I figured this was true of a lot of people online.
Speak for yourself ha.
*Except Nazis. Those people can fuck right off.
(In a Morgan Freeman narrator voice) Oh how wrong they were. Some might say that they shit the bed with such thinking and actions. Others… Might believe that they didn’t know better. The fuck they didn’t! The ‘all mighty dollar’ was their carrot on a stick that was placed in front of them by nearly soul dead board members and deep pocketed ‘investors.’ A fixation on the “all mighty dollar” in this extreme capitalistic parent company EA, has shown us endless times, they don’t give a fuck about you or your hobby. Just as long as you continue to throw your money at them like a good little dipshit who can’t seem to realize that you’re being played.
How old were you when you watched it?
Cheesus Ricest dude! I watched it as a 30 something year old and I felt disturbed with scenes in the third act.
Now you have to fill us in. Did you have nightmares and for how long?
For no reason at all? No, no, no. For all of the right reasons? Oh, for sure.
I see you have class.
The fact that this video was uploaded to Youtube on 10th of February 2006… and Youtube was founded on the 14th of February 2005… is NUTS!
Also, this is a meme by definition. “A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices, that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme.”
it’s just in video/clip format.
And finally, this is not an antique meme. This is a freaking artifact of a bygone ‘era,’ and I love it!
In no particular order as to why I left Reddit to join Lemmy:
Lemmy doesn’t have any of these problems that I’ve experienced. Lemmy feels very much like a grass roots movement and I like that. I wish the communities that I am a part of had more active users, but that will more likely come with time.
No worries. The attempt to recall a memory was good enough.
Happy New Year.
I’d like to give a shoutout to all of the Wikipedia editors who created, edited, and updated obscure Wikipedia pages. The sure number of interesting things I wouldn’t have learned about if it wasn’t for you would be quite limited.
(FYI: There is a community on here for Wikipedia pages worth sharing.)
Ooohh. That would make a lot of sense for this situation.
Yeah, that wasn’t my angle at all. I was just wanting the community of askwomen@lemmy.ca to become active again.
No doubt. I don’t understand why it’s getting hate. I simply used the question I asked on askwomen@lemmy.ca, because it hadn’t gotten any replies.
I genuinely had heard plenty of praise that I checked it out more and really liked what I saw in gameplay. I was going to wait till it went on 25% off then pick it up. Then Xbox Game Studios had the brain dead idea to shut down the whole studio that made one of the best new IPs in recent years. After hearing about this, I decided right there that I wasn’t going to buy it ever.
Great question.
I originally was looking for motivation to start and keep going on things. But I’m open to similar things.
Planning, time management, procrastination and worryments are all things that I would like to find some videos to help get me in gear and focused.
As a dude… no. That seems like a great way to jack up my junk. Squshing my balls being the biggest worry in this arrangement.
I mean… You’re not exactly wrong.