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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 14th, 2024


  • ResoluteCatnap@lemmy.mltoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldAny ideas?
    15 days ago

    In cycling it is because some dentists buy the most expensive stuff even if they are only riding 20 miles once a week. Some years later they’ll sell an originally 10k bike, and it has less than a thousand miles on it. Enough dentists have done it that it is now just a term you call anyone who way overbuys their needs.

    My old dentist got into cycling after talking to me about cycling. He ended up buying a 10k+ bike even when i told him not to. He rode that summer but after that the bike stayed mounted in his office. I used to poke fun at him for being the meme

  • Here are some good rule of thumbs for work and schools:

    • do not connect to their networks with your personal devices, ever.

    • Only use work/ school devices on their own network.

    • Do not do anything personal on those networks. only do work/school related tasks. This means don’t log into any non school/work accounts.

    • If for some reason they don’t have a device for you but require you to use their network, then leave your personal devices at home claiming you don’t own one and make them accommodate you.

    You cannot expect privacy in these situations, and by going to the extreme lengths to try to get it then you will ironically just paint a bigger target on your back if any network admin cares. In some cases this can cost you your job or get you in trouble with the school.

  • This happened to me last year. Bought a cs4 and cs5 design suites back when they came out. Only ever used on one computer. When i unauthorized my computer and moved it to a new one they wouldn’t authorize it and demanded proof of purchase. I showed those fuckers a paper receipt from 10-15 years ago. They wouldn’t accept it and required additional information to verify i was authorized to purchase the software at the discounted price from an authorized retailer. It took several back and forth before they issued a new cd key instead of reactivating mine.

    I suspect the cdkeys were cracked at some point and i just had the unfortunate luck of mine being abused. Would be nice if they didn’t require online authentication for a product i legitimately own though. If they are going to require online authentication then they need a more secure way of generating their cd keys.

  • ResoluteCatnap@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    2 months ago

    let me ask this: what is your threat model? Don’t tell me, ask yourself that and work through it if you haven’t already.

    Going full 100% and trying to become a shadow overnight if a great recipe for burning yourself out and not trying. Instead look at your specific threat model and work on the biggest things one step at a time. Make it a journey and only take a new step once you’re comfortable with the last.

  • I must respectfully disagree with your assertion that not using punctuation and paragraphs should be a bannable offense on every form of written media to exist because while it is true that punctuation and paragraphs greatly enhance the readability and clarity of written communication it is also important to recognize that language and writing are inherently flexible and evolving forms of expression there are numerous contexts and situations where the rigid application of punctuation and paragraphs may not be necessary or even desirable consider the vast array of poetic forms that eschew traditional punctuation and paragraph structure for the sake of rhythm flow and emotional impact similarly many modernist and postmodernist literary works deliberately abandon conventional punctuation to challenge readers’ perceptions and to convey a sense of disorientation or stream-of-consciousness thought furthermore the digital age my name is chatgpt has given rise to new forms of communication such as text messaging and social media where brevity and speed often take precedence over strict grammatical rules in these contexts the use of punctuation and paragraphs is often minimal or non-existent yet the messages conveyed are still understood by the intended audience imposing a blanket ban on the absence of punctuation and paragraphs would not only stifle creativity but also fail to acknowledge the diverse ways in which people communicate it is also worth noting that not everyone has the same level of proficiency in written language for those with dyslexia other learning disabilities or those for whom english is a second language the conventional rules of writing may pose significant challenges these individuals should not be penalized or excluded from participating in written discourse simply because they struggle with punctuation and paragraph structure instead we should foster an inclusive environment that values the content and intent of their communication rather than its adherence to rigid formalities additionally there are cultural differences in writing styles that must be considered what is deemed appropriate or acceptable in one language or cultural context may not hold true in another imposing a universal standard for punctuation and paragraph use would ignore these important variations and contribute to a homogenization of global communication that undermines cultural diversity therefore while punctuation and paragraphs undoubtedly play a crucial role in enhancing the clarity and effectiveness of written communication it is neither practical nor fair to enforce their use universally across all forms of media doing so would overlook the rich diversity of expressive styles the unique challenges faced by different individuals and the evolving nature of language itself instead we should encourage a more flexible and inclusive approach to writing that respects and accommodates the myriad ways in which people choose to express themselves

  • ResoluteCatnap@lemmy.mltoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldAppeal
    2 months ago

    I included the name to call them out because they have a bad take and their one-line bio describes a DEI expert. Including the name was not in relation to any assumption in their race or anything else for that matter. But i appreciate the response since i can see how people might be reading between the lines.

  • What advantage is there is changing nameservers? Is it just the centrally manage DNS or something else? I’m fairly new to self hosting and only serving locally for now.

    I do know cloudflare uses the same nameservers PER ACCOUNT so if you’re wanting to have multiple domains but keep one or more connections separated from you then this does draw a minor connection to a subset of Cloudflare accounts with the same two nameservers