In that case I wouldn’t worry about either choice if it’s decades away. I’d wait and see how bad it gets before making the decision.
In that case I wouldn’t worry about either choice if it’s decades away. I’d wait and see how bad it gets before making the decision.
Yes and that still gives me some decades before something might happen vs spending those decades and the rest of my life in American prison. I mean have you really considered the options here lol
I mean even thinking that that’d be the actual situation for me where I live in few decades vs. spending those few decades and rest of my life in American prison, it’s going to be a very easy decision for me
I mean, come on. Uncertain future some decades ago vs the certainty that I’m rotting in an American prison for the rest of my life starting now. Easiest decision of my life
For me American prison sounds a lot worse than whatever comes from climate change, so personally I’d pick that.
At one point that generic boomer humor was new and cutting edge. It’s an old magazine with their heyday in the 70’s
They’re republishing old editions with new covers. Dunno if this is one of those
This is hilarious
Feels too good to be true
Really gets the noggin joggin’ doesn’t it
Yeah it’s not like fascism was the literal state ideology of fascist Italy or anything lmao. Or Nazism of Nazi-Germany. Lol.
USA didn’t fight against fascism when it fought against Nazi Germany and literally fascist Italy because Laos and NATO
Lmao wat
It does seem pretty banana republic-y
It might be more accessible to others without all the homeless though. It’s a transit station, not a homeless shelter
Somehow I feel this meme wasn’t supposed to be literal
It’s one of the best
I’ve had spam on mostly every messaging platform. Telegram has been easily the worst though
Say that parody accounts have to have the label set and offer such label also when registering your account. Then ban those doing a parody account without the label. Seems easy enough
We are. But it’s just American prisons are so horrific that you’ll really want to wait and see how bad it gets before choosing to put yourself in one.