deleted by creator
deleted by creator
To add to this, I suggest sorting the comments by controversial on Reddit for another take.
Just started with using Lunatask to help keep myself on task, and help me remember a lot of the little things I tend to forget. I’m still learning what the app is fully capable of, but it’s been super helpful to me so far.
It is an end-to-end encrypted, cross-platform, todo list, notebook, habit and mood tracker, and journaling app built with ADHD brains in mind. The creator has also expressed some willingness to open source in the future, but there is no guarantees there.
Look what fell off a truck in Base64.
bWFnbmV0Oj94dD11cm46YnRpaDozYzIxZjVmM2E4ZTRmZTIzMTk2MTdjOWRmNjU0OGIwMmVjYWIy MGFjJmRuPVRoZStQcml2YWN5LCtTZWN1cml0eSthbmQrT1NJTlQrU2hvdystK0VwKzAwMS0zMDUm dHI9dWRwOi8vdHJhY2tlci5vcGVuYml0dG9ycmVudC5jb206ODAmdHI9dWRwOi8vdHJhY2tlci5v cGVudHJhY2tyLm9yZzoxMzM3L2Fubm91bmNl