• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Funny how libs rarely have to compromise their core values to vote for Dem candidates, while your party leadership aggressively prevents the left from gaining any purchase in the party organizational structure, but you have the gall to demand our votes while showing zero sensitivity for the left’s moral concerns about Dem projects like the ongoing extirpation of Palestinians in Gaza—not to mention the left’s very reasonable observation that concessionary voting for neolibs since Carter has created a ratcheting of American politics to the far right.

    I don’t believe Trump will break America, because the Democratic Party clearly doesn’t. No party that believed that so much was on the line would prevent a competitive primary and support a VP candidate with the lowest approval rating in history, who has no constituency behind her, when the top of the ticket is 81 years old.

  • This is not a smart take. It’s basically conspiracy thinking.

    Otherwise, the Supreme Court is clearly partisan, because Alito and Thomas unashamedly contort into any position needed to face the MAGA base, and Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett will typically tend to do so in any issue involving civil rights or business interests.

    The GOP is the body that executes the will of whatever conservatism is at any moment; they are inseparable at the executional level. The doctrinal vehicle the GOP uses to get where it’s going is originalism, but the great thing about justices playing professional-amateur historians is that they can cherry-pick history to suit party-doctrinal needs.

  • The intellectual and professional desert of center-lib media is fascinating: The same rotating cast of five MSNBC guests who are on every day, all day, are now primary fodder for print stories trying to get in on wishcasting monetization, like this Guardian piece. Newsweek and HuffPost literally report MSNBC show opinions now, like they’re news.

    There are hundreds of qualified law professors and law firm partners with either deep legal theory or direct practice experience relevant to the Trump cases, but good luck hearing from them. Instead, we get Vance, Litman, Katyal, McQuade, and Weissman, all day every day, and now also in print.

    This desert isn’t good for us. The MSNBC wishcasting monetization model left Americans poorly prepared for the Mueller outcome. The guy was canonized as a genius Marine Superman who would undoubtedly smite Trump; other professional voices weren’t invited on.