• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • When mine was young I only gave him dry food. Then he developed kidney disease (CKD) 4 years ago. It and diabetes are fairly common in older cats.

    Now he gets dry food plus wet food in the morning and evening - 1/2 of a little can or 1/4 of a bigger can at each feeding. The dry food and wet food are in separate bowls. That plus finding a water fountain he likes has so far kept his kidney disease from getting any worse.

    Next cat I’ll give wet and dry food from the start.

  • I watch a tv show on my phone. I know it goes against all the traditional advice, blue light is bad for sleep, blah blah blah. For me, it means I can get 7 or 8 hours of sleep instead of 3.

    I don’t watch just any tv though. It has to: 1. Be a show I know well enough where I can tell which character is speaking when I’m only listening. 2. Have a good amount of seasons (8 or more) so I don’t get to where I’ve memorized the episodes and my mind starts to wander. 3. Is one I know in general what’s gonna happen with the characters (so I don’t have to stay up and find out what happens) but isn’t one I love so much that I can’t stop watching. And 4. Doesn’t have a bunch of nonverbal stuff that’s important to the plot.

    I have a sleep headband with little speakers in it so it doesn’t keep my partner up. When I’m ready for bed, I make sure my screen brightness is turned all the way down, I put on my sleep headphones, and I lay down and close my eyes to listen to the show. Usually I can fall asleep in less than an hour, as long as I keep my eyes closed. Otherwise I get caught up watching the show and before I know it I’ve watched 3 episodes and I’m still awake.

  • Very true. I play what I like to call “brain candy” games. Nothing that requires too much thinking, as most of the day my brain is trying to run a marathon at a sprinting speed.

    Yeah, Cozy Grove is on my switch. As you advance in the game, you unlock more map. More map means more NPC critters roaming around. I think I unlocked 8-9 bears before it got noticeable, but there are 17 in all and I don’t know if my switch can make it to that many.

    I just started Ring Fit last week, as I found a good deal on an open box game. I’m still trying to get the leg sensor to register my movement correctly, but so far the levels are fun.