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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Completely understand the frustration here. Mistakes happen, even competent people sincerely trying to do a good job can overlook things, etc. But if it’s a pattern of just copying and pasting code without really even trying to understand what it does, that’s a big problem that needs to be addressed. And frankly they should feel embarrassed if it happens more than once or twice.

    OTOH, delivering criticism in a way that winds up productive for all involved is difficult at best, and the outcome depends on the junior as much as it does the senior. What good is being right if it ultimately just alienates you from your team? Tough situation for sure, and one of the many reasons it’s so important to hire carefully (which is itself a whole huge can of worms too!).

    Can you simply ask them to walk through their submission line by line with you, explaining what it’s doing? If you’ve never asked that before it might come across as a strange request, but if you phrase it well it’s possible this causes them to notice their poor understanding without you ever seeming to point it out.

  • Do you feel like elaborating any? I’d love to find more uses. So far I’ve mostly found it useful in areas where I’m very unfamiliar. Like I do very little web front end, so when I need to, the option paralysis is gnarly. I’ve found things like Perplexity helpful to allow me to select an approach and get moving quickly. I can spend hours agonizing over those kinds of decisions otherwise, and it’s really poorly spent time.

    I’ve also found it useful when trying to answer questions about best practices or comparing approaches. It sorta does the reading and summarizes the points (with links to source material), pretty perfect use case.

    So both of those are essentially “interactive text summarization” use cases - my third is as a syntax helper, again in things I don’t work with often. If I’m having a brain fart and just can’t quite remember the ternary operator syntax in that one language I never use…etc. That one’s a bit less impactful but can still be faster than manually inspecting docs, especially if the docs are bad or hard to use.

    With that said I use these things less than once a week on average. Possible that’s just down to my own pre-existing habits more than anything else though.

  • Just want to back you up here and say the deeper ethos sometimes DOES matter. People need to stop acting like a piece of generally good advice applies to every situation ever. The “stop gatekeeping” pendulum has swung a bit too far (although the principle is great and, incidentally, punk as fuck!).

    When did we decide everything has to be for everyone, and everyone has a right to participate in everything, just by virtue of existing? What would these folks say to someone who walks around in - e.g., Sikh cultural accoutrement - but has zero interest (and even a snobbish disdain) for the underlying religion? “Good for them, we shouldn’t gatekeep”? Fuck outta here.

    On the one hand, all culture and art is syncretic, full stop. I’m not saying punk rock is off limits in any way, that’d be absurd. But at this point it’s got what, like 40 years of maintaining a broadly consistent ethos or spirit? That’s remarkable, it’s valuable, and it’s only been possible because of gatekeeping - passionate community members putting forth effort to maintain the community identity. In a time when every damn thing of cultural significance is being hollowed out and commoditized for profit, we should all celebrate punk rock staying punk.

  • Completely agree, and I have watched a ton. The quantity of ads is outrageous, and the “ongoing coverage” streams make you watch a pile of ads before you even find out what’s playing.

    The video was always stuttering and just shy of unwatchable on the “live” streams, the ads were out of hand, commentary audio was super inconsistent, even the camera work was pretty shit overall. Like, missing critical moments when that was the only thing going on.

    I thought NBC / Peacock did a pretty bad job.

  • I think it depends a lot on the people using the words. People who don’t believe that the systematized slavery as practiced in the US produced long-lasting generational effects, for example, might say that treating people equally moving forward is best. Under that belief system, everyone starts on ~even footing and gets the same opportunities, so actually it’s less fair to make special cases for folks!

    In my view those folks are starting from a deeply flawed premise (and usually one they’ve arrived at in order to justify the worldview they already hold), so their conclusions are worthless. But I think they’d meet the criteria of advocating for equality and against equity, and sincerely mean it. It’s not hypothetical either, I’ve met people like this - depressingly many, in fact.

  • Ah, fair, and nope I’m US based but I basically have what I’ve concluded must be an abnormal desire for accuracy and specificity with language. I just prefer and appreciate nuanced, specific meanings. But I’m also well aware that vocabulary and grammatical rules are only ever just guidelines - language is a living thing defined by the people that use it, by the way that they all choose to use it - it’s all essentially just this massive consensus with a rich and detailed topology, and I love that part too. So I’m not even very consistent when it comes down to it, lol.

  • Random stranger commenting to say I appreciate how this played out and kudos to you both. This comment chain is a striking example of the exact problem we’ve inherited as a society, and its solution!

    Those of us (nearly everyone) abused by the extremely rich have this tendency to lash out at anyone within reach that just miiiight be wealthy enough to be part of the problem. The reality is that you - and literally almost all of us - will never rub elbows, pass in a hallway, even glimpse - the (extremely rich) people actually causing our problems.

    That’s the whole fuckin thing, how the misdirection of rage that fuels the whole shebang, is created. You (we) can never even really SEE the people who are doing this to us. We’re all furious, and the villains have been invisible for so long that we’ve gone dumb - attacking one another, fellow sufferers - has become damn near instinctual.

    The solution (or part of it) is right here in y’all’s comment chain too - just a sudden realization that the person doing a little bit better than you (us) has nothing to do with your difficulties. It’s almost always the fault of the invisible, antihuman greed monsters.

  • Asocial and antisocial are really quite different, though we (societally) confuse the two words - even a quick Google gives pretty mixed answers. If you aren’t playing games for the express purpose of ruining the fun of others, you sound more asocial than antisocial to me. Just throwing that out there in case it happens to be useful.

  • I really can’t understand how you could read it that way, when the last phrase is “or will they simply forget Trump given time”. The poster sure seemed to go out of their way to not describe a preferred outcome but just to wonder how this turns out, how his supporters will respond, and how much their response even matters. If they’re questioning whether those people’s reaction even matters, does that sound like advocating on their behalf?

    I understand interpretation of written text is always a little ambiguous, but jumping to “you’re saying Trump should go free so his supporters aren’t sad?!” - nearly your direct words - just feels like either a very intentional misreading or just the briefest possible look at what the poster wrote. It just isn’t there at all and you came across weird and hostile.