Obviously this question is only for people who eat beef regularly.

But I just was wondering, what IQ/ability would make you swear off beef? If they could speak like an 8 y.o, would that be enough to cut off beef? If they got an IQ of 80, would that do it?

  • kava@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Out of curiosity, are they delicious or are their rubs/seasonings/spices/sauces delicious?

    Usually I eat my meat with only salt. Anything else distracts from the taste of the meat.

    On the flip side, I only enjoy coffee with lots of cream and sugar

    I drink black coffee. I used to drink it with milk and sugar when I was younger. When I was 17 I lived with my uncle for a few months and the guy was a coffee addict. He would drink like 3 or 4 full pots of coffee a day. Naturally, he would offer me coffee a lot and I started drinking a lot of coffee as well. Everytime I would put sugar/milk in my coffee he would call me a pussy. Say I’m being effeminate, couldn’t handle coffee, etc. So I started drinking it black lol.

    Once you get used to it though, it’s better in my opinion. Coffee with sugar tastes gross to me. You can really taste the coffee when it’s black. I say try it out sometime. Maybe you’ll end up a convert too. Although I don’t think anybody is a pussy for not drinking coffee black. My uncle is a bit close minded / old school immigrant.