❤️ Check out Lambda here and sign up for their GPU Cloud: https://lambdalabs.com/papers📝 The paper "GraphCast: Learning skillful medium-range global weather...
I’m pretty miserable, but it just came off as one of the many AI generated videos with the weird voices making my skin crawl more than kid oriented YouTube shorts.
Right… But in this assumption of yours, you just attacked THE VOICE of a real guy. Something that is so fundamental to one’s identity… So many people have insecurities about themselves, which may also include their voice. Not nice to just randomly shoot someone down cuz u were angry today, eh?
I’m pretty miserable, but it just came off as one of the many AI generated videos with the weird voices making my skin crawl more than kid oriented YouTube shorts.
Right… But in this assumption of yours, you just attacked THE VOICE of a real guy. Something that is so fundamental to one’s identity… So many people have insecurities about themselves, which may also include their voice. Not nice to just randomly shoot someone down cuz u were angry today, eh?
Well tell him I’m sorry.