Same. I’ve hired for a number of entry level DevOps type jobs, have read through hundreds of resumes, and have never once clicked on a LinkedIn profile. I don’t know what point it would serve, considering I expect it to be every bit the carefully manicured presentation that the resume itself already is. If you give me a GitHub link I might take a look, but I don’t hold it against anyone for not giving me that either.
Same. I’ve hired for a number of entry level DevOps type jobs, have read through hundreds of resumes, and have never once clicked on a LinkedIn profile. I don’t know what point it would serve, considering I expect it to be every bit the carefully manicured presentation that the resume itself already is. If you give me a GitHub link I might take a look, but I don’t hold it against anyone for not giving me that either.
Idk why but this makes me want to write one of the funniest and least professional resumes possible, but still make it show off my skills and stuff.
I would be happy to at least read that resume among an ocean of dull ones that all read the same.