This time around, the grifters are telling their suckers that Hillary Clinton and the round-earthers have cooked up a diabolical pathogen called “Disease X” to rid the planet of “excess population,” “install a corporate world government,” and “enslave humanity.” If you don’t want your body to get covered in festering boils and carbuncles the size of chicken eggs, you need to buy a “medical contagion kit” with vials of life-saving ivermectin manufactured right here in God’s most favorite country in the whole universe.
This is why education, thusly critical thinking, is so important in a digital and globalized world. These unfortunate people who lack the skills to understand these obvious lies for what they are become the ramifications of voting corruption into power, who then go on to limit school funding in favor of personal gain. It’s a vicious circle we are in, but I think if we keep voting for pro-education, pro-social-welfare politicians then the cycle can be broken. The most important thing to do is to never give up a steadfast defence against facism, bigotry, and corruption. Our very existence as a democracy could depend quite a bit on these next few rounds of voting.
Not all education systems teach critical thinking.