• Dead_or_Alive@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    China is no longer the low wage industrial powerhouse that it was. Their demographics are terrible sue to the one child policy and it is only going to get worse. This was always going to happen this decade.

    Covid was just the catalyst. China overplayed their hand with “Wolf Warrior” diplomacy during the pandemic and they kept their country locked down for far too long. Their refusal to admit their vaccine was a failure after bashing the West’s vaccines meant many were going to die.

    Europe’s demographics (especially Germany) are bad. Their reliance on Russian Petroleum and gas is going to kill their industry.

    If we in the US want stuff then we must build out our industrial plant. While our demographics are better than most advanced economies we still don’t have enough people to make stuff at the low end of the wage scale. That is where Mexico and S. E. Asia come in and bring value to our manufacturing.