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“We are going to do something that I will say is slightly controversial but it shouldn’t be. We are going to indemnify policemen and precincts and states and cities from being sued. We want them to do their job. Our police and law enforcement has to come back and they want to come back and they want to do their job. And we are going to indemnify them so they don’t lose their wife, their family, their pension, and their job. We are going to indemnify policemen and law enforcement. We are going to tell them to get out, we love you, do your job.” – Trump, speaking last night at the New York Young Republicans Club gala.

Trump going after the tyrant vote.

    9 months ago

    And you need the votes of people to your right who you hate.

    The party has you covered. They have spent the past half a century moving to the right to appeal to the centrists and try, Chamberlain-like, to appease Republicans. If the party ever does something that its pampered right flank dislikes in the slightest, then I’ll start talking about how we need to keep their votes.

    The last time that happened was when the voters overcame the party’s attempt to coronate Clinton and nominated Obama instead. The Clinton wing of the party formed a PAC to try to elect McCain and Palin. Obama, always eager to capitulate to his right, actually tried to get their votes back by selecting a moderate as his VP pick. Clinton selected the anti-choice Tim Kaine as her VP pick as a “fuck you, you’ll vote for me cause you gotta” to the left. Biden chose the war on drugs DA as his VP.

    Because as much as you may dislike me I’m the vote, directly to your right, that you need. Do you believe your words to apply fairly to everyone, or just the groups you dislike?

    The party does what you want already. You have a party that represents you. The left has a party that opposes them and orders them to vote for them anyway.