What special ability do you posess that most people don’t have?

  • birdcat@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I can sense years if not decades before anyone else which celebrities are creeps, rapists, rscist or asshole.

    Bill Cosby

    R. Kelly

    Marilyn Manson

    Morgan Freeman

    Chris Brown

    Woody Allen (no wait that’s too easy)

    Allan Baldwin

    Johnny Depp

    Thre guy from Ramstein

    The what’s his name since guy

    Elon Musk

    And so on. I hated them all since forever and knew somthing is not quite right with them.

    The only cases I was shocked was James Franco and Kevin spacey.

  • AstralWeekends@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I have really good reflexes for catching things that are falling. I don’t even have to think about it - if something is falling near me that’s catchable, my hand will just reach out and catch it 9/10 times. Seems I can override it for dangerous things like kitchen knives. Most of the time, nobody ever sees it happen, so it’s also a hidden talent, lol.

    • mido_ml@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Are you me?

      One time I was DM-ing for a group of friends, it was late and we were drunk. One of my friends had left a glass behind my dm screen were I couldn’t see it (but I knew it was there). I don’t remember exactly how, but he bumped the screen and the cup fell from the table

      Somehow my hand jumped in an arc going over the screen and under the table to be exactly were the glass was on its way to the floor and I catch it

      It’s one of my favorite memories