I’ve been resin printing for maybe a month. I’ve noticed that on all of the resins that I’ve got, and all of the profiles I’ve downloaded for them, the lift speed is usually at least 3 to 4 mm. However, when listening to my printer operate, I can tell that it is fully separating the print within the first millimeter or so. I’ve changed almost all of my resin profiles to only lift 1 mm, cutting each layer time down like 2 seconds, and absolutely zero change in any quality whatsoever. Am I just lucky with my printer configuration, or my fep is especially tight? Or why else would such a large distance be commonly recommended?

  • remotelove@lemmy.ca
    6 days ago

    Those are good printers. I put about 6 different resin types through them, and did get my optimal settings for fine detail because I was curious. It’s just pointless for what I do, s’all.

    But yes, depending on what your goals are for printing, there is a fuck ton of room for speed improvements.