After what seems like a year of near constant stress, disappointment, and loneliness, I decided to stop sitting at my computer all day and start making better choices for myself. This was a really hard thing to do for me since I work from home about two feet from my entertainment area. I would end up sitting at my desk all day and neglecting things that I wanted to do and I wasn’t sure why.

This month I have:

Set up the Ender 3 V2 that was sitting in my closet for two years and printed out a bunch of cool shit with my kid.

Exercised every other day to try to help myself with some vicious joint pain that has developed recently.

Kept the dishes from piling up on my desk.

Made doctor and dentist appointments.

Don’t get me wrong, things are still stressful and disappointing, but I feel a lot better than I have in a long time. What have you done to care for yourself lately? Digging yourself out of depression is hard and I want to hear your successes, no matter how small they are.

    5 days ago

    Well it’s the first of October now but in September I was off sick with exhaustion, so I got a blood test done after a couple of years of putting it off, just to be sure of course. I rearranged my bedroom too for a change. I spoke to my supervisor at work saying I need more rest, so making sure I get breaks every day and not too many workdays in a row.

    My tip for anyone who’s suddenly struck with enough motivation to pull yourself out the hole: I find using a tasks app helps an awful lot with not only remembering to everything and when to do it but with feeling a bit of satisfaction when I mark it as done. Which reminds me, I need to tick off that I’ve taken my soup out the freezer this morning.