Stochastic terrorism strikes again. This is directly because of Moms for Liberty and Libs of TikTok.

    1 year ago

    True. If you really want to win the moral victory you have to take action to stop letting your peers across the aisle get away with inciting this shit. (Speaking to leadership in congress here). You have to take action against propaganda outlets like Fox and OANN and Alex Jones and so forth.

    I’m extremely grumpy today… sorry for this rant.

    I guess what hit me yesterday is Biden’s statement about being friends with McConnell.

    I cannot comprehend considering that man as anything but a villain and a lifelong enemy. And it got me wondering what kind of person could consider him a friend? And how seriously does someone like that really take problems in this country? Kind of feels like the life and death problems we peons face aren’t life and death for those in power, ya know?