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Ich verstehe das du deine Geschichte teilen möchtest, aber eine Gruppe für Technologie ist nicht ganz der richtige Platz.
BMW have blinkers? I thought they come without.
The chonk shows on the third picture 😸
Maybe you can start teaching her boundaries, by making one space in your loft off-limits.
Like don’t allow her on the bed or on the sofa or whatever is your relax place. Be gentle, firm and consistent and she will lean that she isn’t allowed at that exact space. Maybe that can give you a little distance.
This is well said and good advice.
One thing stood out to me in OPs post and I want to add one point to that.
She’s destructive, she doesn’t know what boundaries are, etc.
Well, yes. She’s a kitten, a baby. She knows about as much about boundaries than a toddler. She will not learn that on her own, or only up to a certain level. Just like a puppy she needs you to teach her and show her boundaries. Cats might not take orders like dogs do, but they still need guidance and training. If they can’t learn from their morhers their human needs to fill this role.
There are lots of recourses, blogs and websites online. Here are a few to get you started.
How to Master the Art of Boundaries with Your Cat
Can You Set Boundaries With Cats?
How To Set Healthy Boundaries For Your Cat
How To House Train And Communicate Better With Your Kitten
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If I don’t prepare my meds for the day I’m often not sure if I took them already or not.
Everything? This morning it was medication. I’m sure, I should have another pack of my antidepressants because I was at the doctors on the 5th.
I still haven’t found them.
Idk. When I worked oncology all our prostate patients were very young men way before 40.
But thats anecdotal. I don’t have any numbers. But whats the worst thing that can happen when you get a prostate check? That they don’t find anything?
Do every test available for prevention and prophylaxis.
Get your general practitioner to do a full health check, ECG, EEG, cardiac ultrasound, a full blood panel, bloodpressure, pulmonary function, skin cancer prevention ect.
Schedule a gastroscopy and colonoscopy.
Check in with an urologist to get your prostate and urinary tract checked.
If you can, get a full body scan. Either PET or MRI.
Nearly every serious disease or health issue is easier prevented or treated when caught before it casues real issues.
Every cancer there is, has a better outcome and is easier treated when found early. Most of them are silent until very late in the game.
This is something I would recommend to anyone: Take advantage of every preventative messure or examination that is available to you!
There is no illness that you can detect too early.
Times did change though, quite a lot even.
I’m not LGBTQ+ so I can only say what I know from other people. But when you speak to older gay people, boomer gays and such, they tell you awfuly heartbreaking stories.
Of course gays and other LGBTQ+ folx still get hated on and discriminated and there is still a long, long way to go.
But that doesn’t change, that nowadays you can publish loveletters of two men, without destroying the lives of each person involved. Back then, the letter writers would have probably ended up in prison and everyone else with knowledge of them or any kind of involvement would loose their jobs and carrers and would have been shunned. Someone responsible publishing them or making a film about them, would probably go to prison too.
So yes. I’d call this a more enlightened time compared to Europe in the 1930’/40’s.
I’ll leave this here too, it’s the short film mentioned in the article. The Letter Men
I found the short film that was mentioned in the article someone else mentioned The Letter Men
Anyone has more information about the book? This is something I’d like to request my library to add to their collection.
They are listening to f*cking everything.
I find this more scary than wholesome.
And to think that you guys pay to be there. Imagine loading yourself with massive student debt for a place that stocks up on weapons as if its at war with you.
They are right. I can’t wrap my head around it.
Kindergarteners are more mature.
Even more likely since it seems like he was a stray. Seems to me, like he cried at everyone around about how hungry he is and found more than one bleeding heart.
Aww… he was too chonky to escape chonk camp. Cute, (not so) little chonky Chonk. I hope he learns a lot at camp and comes out a healthy one.