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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I can be, but am not always. I actually find niceness to be a highly overvalued character trait. Some of the most back stabbing, manipulative, wishy washy, fake people I have ever known were incredibly nice. In fact, they used their niceness as a shield and mask for their awful character traits. Took a long time to realize that niceness is not so important. Far more important are loyalty, reliability, willingness to admit fault, willingness to listen, and so on. Niceness is just basic human civility. I don’t care how nice you are if you are a manipulative and fake.

  • That looks incredible! So envious of your skills. As for me, I have been trying desperately to grow a basil plant indoors. I’ve tried many times in the past, but they always end up with those little mites. I purchased neem oil spray too, and still they got to it. My partner said they saw some worms in the most recent plant, like transparent worms almost? so we got rid of that one too. I am going to grow from seed next time I think. I feel like I have just had bad luck and gotten infested plants or something, so maybe growing from seed will be better? I don’t even know. I just so badly want to be able to walk to the corner of my kitchen and grab some fresh herbs. Ina Garten has a whole ass garden of herbs, can’t I have one plant? lol! I will be trying again though. Wish me luck, I will absolutely need it.

  • Lol. California is huge and incredibly diverse. I live in San Diego. I can walk to 4 different grocery stores in less than half a mile. Additionally, I have a weekly farmers market down the street I can visit. Not to mention the Ethiopian market and Mexican market that are an additional couple blocks away. Wherever you were in California only represents that specific area, and not the state in total by any means. I’m sure the area you visited has plenty to be desired as far as walkabaility, but I’m sure it’s an issue divided along rural vs urban lines, not a state by state thing. Please don’t contribute to misinformation. Making a sweeping generalization about a huge and incredibly populous state only adds fuel to the misinformation fire.