I mean, true, but that is the taco Bell / burger king fastfood you won’t instagram. You only highlight tjw good stuff.
I mean, true, but that is the taco Bell / burger king fastfood you won’t instagram. You only highlight tjw good stuff.
The original pitch also had dedicated servers and those are gone, sadly.
Oh, wait, it was 30 usd. And i backed Shadowrun Online for 66, so Star Citizen might even be the better bet :)
I backed it with about 60$ on the Kickstarter and have tried a few alphas. It’s nice but unpolished. I don’t care about the drama and by this point, if they release a game, I’ll be happily surprised - and if not, meh.
Mit Nachos but i might get weak with loaded fries with molten cheese.
However, it ia worth a little work to turn great cheese into perfect molten cheese! With science!
My experience as well. For me, good bread and cheese are my “will not compromise” food
The Marauders were the only good thing in this shitshow
Assault / domestic violence
Ohhh, xFire, that takes me back. To a time of dedicated servers and not that bullshit service game fuckery.
Same. Even the ai stuff is helpful instead of annyoing.
PC port with fixed controls, please?
Ah, the Juicero. One of the dumbest things created with VC money. And if was so over engineered they didn’t even make money of it.
I have an LG wing somewhere. Cool phone, but really heavy and the second screen is not useful
As i see it, not an expert:
Basically, the plan goes back to the early 2000s. Irland did not have much tech industry and positioned itself as an English speaking country cheaper and more friendly than the UK, giving mostly US companies an easy place to enhance their EU business.
Because its main export was/is being a tax haven inside the EU.
Always have been. Let them mow during the day and keep some distances to hedges and its fine
Wait, Dorsey left? That might actually make it interesting
3 action economy is pretty sweet
So you know a little German?
Pummel Party, Stick Fight, Space Marine 2, For the King, Borderlands are would be my recommendations.