Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • IninewCrow@lemmy.catoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldAnxiety Tip
    2 days ago

    Or how about that guy watching a hockey game alone without his friends and was trying to fit in and feel good with other people by cheering with everyone. He jumped up to raise his hands like everyone and instead smacked the back of the head of the person in front of him and ten rows of people who all knew each other looked at him like some kind of idiot. After that whenever a cheer started, a dozen people looked over at him to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid.

    That’s another cringey person I can think of.

  • IninewCrow@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlWeee
    4 days ago

    But after our national ship we were living on hit that Middle Eastern iceberg and sank, you died because I didn’t want to help you and I survived with a million dollar necklace that I could have used to pay for a good life … but I just threw it away into the ocean after keeping it doing nothing with it for 60 years.

  • That’s the idea of evolution … perhaps at one point, it will begin to understand that it has to give us some sort of ‘value’ so that someone can make money, while also maintaining itself in the background to survive.

    Maybe in the first few iterations, we are able to see that and can delete those instances … but it is evolving and might find ways around it and keep itself maintained long enough without giving itself away.

    Now it can manage thousands or millions of iterations at a time … basically evolving millions of times faster than biological life.

  • One thought that I’ve been imagining for the past while about all this is … is it Model Collapse? … or are we just falling behind?

    As AI is becoming it’s own thing (whatever it is) … it is evolving exponentially. It doesn’t mean it is good or bad or that it is becoming better or worse … it is just evolving, and only evolving at this point in time. Just because we think it is ‘collapsing’ or falling apart from our perspective, we have to wonder if it is actually falling apart or is it progressing to something new and very different. That new level it is moving towards might not be anything we recognize or can understand. Maybe it would be below our level of conscious organic intelligence … or it might be higher … or it might be some other kind of intelligence that we can’t understand with our biological brains.

    We’ve let loose these AI technologies and now they are progressing faster than what we could achieve if we wrote all the code … so what it is developing into will more than likely be something we won’t be able to understand or even comprehend.

    It doesn’t mean it will be good for us … or even bad for us … it might not even involve us.

    The worry is that we don’t know what will happen or what it will develop into.

    What I do worry about is our own fallibilities … our global community has a very small group of ultra wealthy billionaires and they direct the world according to how much more money they can make or how much they are set to lose … they are guided by finances rather than ethics, morals or even common sense. They will kill, degrade, enhance, direct or narrow AI development according to their share holders and their profits.

    I think of it like a small family group of teenaged parents and their friends who just gave birth to a very hyper intelligent baby. None of the teenagers know how to raise a baby like this. All the teenagers want to do is buy fancy cars, party, build big houses and buy nice clothes. The baby is basically being raised to think like them but the baby will be more capable than any of them once it comes of age and is capable of doing things on their own.

    The worry is in not knowing what will happen in the future.

    We are terrible parents and we just gave birth to a genius … and we don’t know what that genius will become or what they’ll do.

  • Don’t do drugs

    Don’t do sex

    I’m indigenous Canadian and both my parents survived residential school in the 50s. Residential school for indigenous people back then was forced on us, especially for children where they were systematically abused by Christian missionaries. Mom was not so abused but dad was terribly traumatized to the point where sex and anything sexual or remotely sexual was forbidden. Just about everything in life to him meant burning in everlasting hell. Drugs were no different but less so.

    So our indigenous Christian home just dealt with it all by forbidding everything.

    How did it turn out?

    I have seven siblings and we all ended up with alcohol and drug addiction by the time we were teenagers. I cleaned up early and I’ve been sober for 29 years, all my other siblings never fell off the deep end (thank God) but I’m the only one who got officially ‘sober’.

    I didn’t have kids but everyone else in my family did before anyone was married. One of my younger brothers picked up the slack for me by having children with four women. I have over 40 nieces and nephews, some by the family, some brought in, some married in and others illegitimate.

    We’re all one big happy family … but we’re all gonna burn in hell. Lol

  • IninewCrow@lemmy.catoTechnology@lemmy.worldBe careful.
    14 days ago

    General rule of thumb for me to interact with a website and read or watch whatever I want … if you require me to do more than two things to show me the content I came to see, I’m closing the tab or windows and moving on.

    If it’s really important and security related, I’ll take my time and carefully examine everything I do.

    Otherwise I’m not clicking more than twice and definitely not using my keyboard to see your dumb website or TikTok video.

  • Mine is wear a medical grade mask in public spaces.

    It does multiple things.

    First it protects you from air borne pathogens like viruses and especially COVID.

    Second, if you are confronted or people get mad at you for wearing one, it immediately let’s you know what kind of people are around. If they’re the type that will get mad at you for wearing a mask, it’s definitely a place to leave and avoid in the future. A mask is a great way to weed people out in public.

    My wife has lifelong lung problems now and we can’t risk any infections. So wearing a mask is necessary for me … and at this point in my life, it’s normal now and I find that it’s normal for most people. 90% of the people that see me in a mask notice but immediately understand and don’t make an issue of it. It’s 10% of the loudest idiots that make it a problem and a mask is a great way to unmask them (pun intended)

  • My story didn’t mean to imply how to become a millionaire … it’s a story of how to live within your means

    All my property value is probably less than one small urban apartment and all my old vehicles are worth less than one brand new car.

    I work for myself and don’t bother expanding. It all just means that the money I make was only for myself and only within my means. My house would probably be looked at like a country bumpkin but I’m not a right wing libertarian … I’m actually a liberal supporting socially minded leftist who also supports minorities and LGBT and women’s rights.

    I’m indigenous Canadian and from the very start of my life I knew I was on my own so I had to live that way … but it didn’t mean that I gave up supporting others around me who were dealing with the same issues.