Thanks for sharing, I’m always interested in these topics
I do not think so. Your directional hearing depends on the shape of your face too. This means that everybody hears directions differently, because their face is different. I think people should be able to adapt to these smaller changes over time.
But I’m not sure what I’m saying is true. Games usually have binaural sound, but it may not be effective for some people, because the head-related transfer function (HRTF) that the game uses sounds different compared to what somebody would hear irl.
I agree, but its better than nothing. I’m sorry I mislead you.
Gpt4all is avalible on linux, it is an open source software that can run LLMs locally.
Were you thinking about something like this?
**Tip:** The default source can be referred as `@DEFAULT_SOURCE@` in commands, for example: `$ pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle`
Default sink:
I think this should work (I haven’t tested it):
make a new file called default (.) pa in the pulseaudio congfig folder (.config/pulse)
this will mute source_name (replace source_name with your source name):
#include this config file
.include /etc/pulse/
set-source-mute source_name true
run this command to list source names:
pactl list short sources
Most translators aren’t perfect, they generally can not understand context
op’s feedback can be valuable
What if they don’t have time? What if they don’t want to read a 10 page EULA? It is their choice, but they most likely don’t know what they are accepting. You know what this means therefore you have the power to do something against this (if it is reasonable).
Do you think other people deserve this?
you can export to pdf and the text is searchable (in firefox with ctrl f)
If you live in europe or asia (i think) then probably not
Thank you for the positivity, trying to help lemmy grow by posting but I think reposting from other sites is not the way forward. Lemmy should be lemmy and not reddit
PineTime - Pine64
Idk, I’m struggleing to come up with original content, tought this was funny
I just think it is funny that somebody would try to sue over “not well lit room”
Not surprised it is a printer
<sigma explanation rule>