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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • I’ve spoken with plenty of feminists, vegans, some trans people, and several right wing constitutionalists or other right wing identity. Almost every vegan I’ve talked to in RL was very pleasant and I had to know them a while or go to lunch with them to even find out they’re vegan. Trans I’ve never had a problem with, and occasionally reminded me their preferred pronouns in a very polite way (actually our mutual friends usually did instead). Feminists I’ve only found TERFs annoying.

    However the constitutionalist? I got in arguments with him about stuff like whether people should be liable for animal abuse (he claimed animals don’t have a soul so no punishment should come from harming them). He also acted like women were too emotional, but every time we got into a discussion with something he didn’t like he would be nearly yelling. If asked to be calm he’d angry claim not to be logical, not angry/emotional. He was the one we had to walk on eggshells around, while also being the main person doing “wife bad” or other misogynistic jokes.

    While that’s one example, I’ve met many others who like to be mean then retreat to “just joking” or “That’s how I grew up”, while the people you claim are more annoying are more likely to adjust to the feelings or likes or dislikes of the person they’re talking with.

  • Not really, our brain adjusts to weird stimuli pretty quickly. Sitting slightly painfully your body often ignores it until you try to move again and feel the pain then. Also limbs going numb due to blood loss. I once woke up and tried to get up but something heavy was on my left shoulder making it really hard.

    It was my left arm, I didn’t realize I couldn’t feel or move it until I tried to get up, which automatically uses muscles in that arm.

  • Gundam, Evangelion, Transformers, Macross, Aldnoah Zero, etc etc. There are some more nonjapanese examples but I didn’t see much of those myself. I think MegasXLR or something was one? Live action of course I’ve seen much less of.

    Mech Warrior of course bucks the trend. There are several game series I failed to mention beside Mechwarrior as well. Battletech iirc also uses Mech.

  • … as opposed to American Spyware? I’m no fan of any governments, including both Chinese and American (not fully anti government, just think all need drastic improvments) but while I understand calling it Spyware, the focus on Chinese feels a bit sinophobic. Facebook does bad spying work too, plus has run experiments on users live. Cambridge Analytica stole info for political means as well. Google, ISPs, and many other info sites collect and sell info on you, and many of them will submit info to governments when requested. X/Twitter is run by an egotistical MAGA idiot who is blocking stuff he doesn’t like but allowing Nazis to be broadcast to everyone.

    They should all be considered similarly problematic.