Listen here, you thin-skinned shitgoblin. you might like to think you’re clever and can program, but I have it for veritable fact that you’re and underpaid grundle hair braider who is barely making ends meet.
Within this post, I think I get into a discussion about where I sit. I grilled chat GPT on this, and put in what we’re important beliefs of mine, and apparently I come out as an eco-socialist(?).
! and ! are thataaway, my b’y.
Yeah, but would a bot creatively insult you, you slack-jawed, basement-dwelling rat fondler?
Your views align pretty closely with mine: ignorance isn’t a cardinal sin, but willful ignorance is.
The fact that you’re taking an educational approach rather than coming after me with a board that has a nail sticking out of it is refreshing for online communities. More people need to just chill.
On dude: sorry, my age is showing - lexicon needs an update and I haven’t got there yet but I’m working on it
I rented out my condo while I was doing my MSc in another province - I wanted to hold on to the place, and couldn’t on a student stipend. I had bought it when I was working in industry and making good coin.
it’s hard to find half decent renters, but if you can, they’re amazing
I admitted I was unread on topic, and didn’t know where I fit on the scale. There’s nothing wrong with stating my current understanding, with large caveats, which is what I did. Further, another commentator shared a bunch of resources rather than taking a ‘git good’ approach
Yeah, but y’know, it’s a sensitive topic so I thought I would be explicit.
Lemmy has a wide range of viewpoints and I don’t want to be unjustly called insensitive or worse.
Ladies and gentlemen, this style of exchange is why Lemmy is substantially better than Reddit, how Reddit was even as far back as 2012. Or any other online platform. Online civility is a lost art on most platforms. Instead of calling me some uneducated cuck and wishing my children die in a house fire, Sims provided resources, and even suggests that reading these resources when I have time is totally fine, rather than calling me an uneducated fuck stain for not having read them earlier.
Thanks for being a cool human, my dude
Whoops. I’m pulling from several different sources. This one came from discord, but someone clearly beat me to it.
And yeah, I’m lazy af. I’m not checking if it’s been posted already.
Thanks - I’ll admit I’m pretty unread on a lot of it. I know what I want I just don’t know where I fit yet
I don’t know where I sit, to be honest. I’m anti-capitalist, but at the same time, I’m not exactly an anarchist because keeping everything at the local level smacks of inefficiency, promotes tribalism, and doesn’t really allow for coordination.
Having some form of government is helpful as long as it’s held strictly accountable. Otherwise, it’s just 100,000 voices screaming, as people all try to push individual agendas.
While a complete lack of structure maximizes individual freedoms, it also makes individuals more vulnerable because there aren’t institutions to help them if they need it.
Sigh. Fine I guess I’ll change it
Fucking honestly - it’s the theme for their whole product line
For clarification, in case it is needed: I hate absolutely everything going on in Palestine right now. The fact that this continues, and is condoned by the west crushes my soul.
If only we could do something about it
You keep using that word, and [I’m] not sure [I] what it means!