I run my own instance and I just never post anything anywhere. I just shitpost comments in everybody else’s business. Thanks for all the memes internet people.
I run my own instance and I just never post anything anywhere. I just shitpost comments in everybody else’s business. Thanks for all the memes internet people.
I add a little corn starch to help the base thicken and hold together a little bit so it doesn’t collapse as much. I also use a smaller glass pan and make two of them (I usually freeze one for my future lazy self).
Microsoft and application developers treat the Documents folder like a total dumping ground for whatever random nonsense they can dream up. No wonder people look elsewhere. Need to store user files? Documents. A database? Documents. Giant cache files? Documents. Config? Documents. Executables? Fuck it put those in Documents too.
Why would I ever store my real documents in a folder so littered with shit that I can never find anything? It’s not like the search actually works.
Also as a Linux user myself and to head off any smugness, developers do the same thing with the home directory so users end up inventing weird ways to stay organized.
I’m in a pretty bad fucking mood but I kind of figured that was more my problem.
Maybe next time they’ll lose by even less! That’s about the best progress I can hope for in this country in my lifetime.
No one here is mentioning that Crysis released right when single core processors were maxing out their clock speed while dual and quad core processors were basically brand new. It wasn’t obvious to software developers that we wouldn’t have 12GHz processors in a couple years. Instead, the entire industry would shift direction to add more cores to boost performance rather than sizing up each core.
So a big bottleneck for Crysis was that it would max out single core performance on every PC for years because single core clock speed didn’t improve very much after that point.
A couple of multi-millionaires would pay you to stop and then you’d implode.
Still a net win for everyone else though, I support this.
I’d take it. Truly mastering any single skill is almost certainly beyond my ability anyway.
I’m only okay at some things so being okay at all things is a total win.
I’ve found it best to stay 3-4 Assassin’s Creed’s behind, pick them up for $5 on a Steam Sale. I explore the world, do the story and just completely ignore the low-effort side quest spam. Then they tend to be a pretty okay experience still.
This breaks things like Whoogle that used the JavaScript-less api to pull search results.
I do not know who I am. I do not know why I am here. All I know is that I must kill.
Democracies around the world rightly shouldn’t tolerate the blatant corruption and manipulative business practice of American tech companies.
I’ve found artillery to be a very effective defense on Gleba. I made a really big train loop that circles my entire base (a ways out from my spore cloud). Then every so often I have an ‘artillery station’ that is protected by very densely packed Tesla and laser turrets.
The train slowly makes its way around the perimeter firing at anything in range. Anything that survives runs over to the station to retaliate and is shredded by the turrets pretty quickly.
How narrow is narrow for your builds?
I finally built a ship capable of getting to Aquilo but even then I’m considering redesigning it a bit and scaling up even more. At first I didn’t realize how important overall width was compared to weight.
Is Vulcanus your first planet after Nauvis?
That’s where I went first (mostly because I was desperate for cliff explosives). It’s such a great planet.
If we’re talking Two Towers I want to save the f-bomb for when Aragorn tosses Gimli at Helms Deep. Gimli just roars “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” as he flies through the air.
My wife has one of these. I’ll round the corner to find her curled up in a big mound of blankets with our cat and dog, face illuminated by the e-reader floating in front of her face.
This sounds really cool. I already suffered a surprise brownout on Vulcanus (which came at an inopportune time) and I’ve been meaning to set up something before it happens again.
I learned how to build an alarm for the first time on Gleba so that I get a notification when my primary nutrient belt drops below a certain threshold. Now a terrifying klaxon warns me that Gleba is about to enter a catastrophic death spiral so I have time to fix it.
I was a teenage boy at the time so I was an asshole about everything. The trumpet was just one tool in my arsenal of ways to bother people.
I originally used corndog.uk because *.uk domains are extremely cheap and I thought it combined a stereotypically American thing with a UK domain which struck me as funny. Then I decided to use the social TLD and now I’m locked into paying $23 a year just for the name.
Thanks for validating my dumb ideas.