• 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 1st, 2024


  • My wife is almost on the other side and yeah, it’s shit. But we’re both stubborn & last year she started to recognize all the shit slung my way -and you hit the nail on the head: it’s not an apology that’s needed, it’s the recognition.

    We’ve been together 26years now and I can’t imagine going through this at you stage of life. Good luck.

  • Ok I wasn’t going to play but after reading this: Never have I ever had sex with another species, dead or alive.

    So funny thing. I grew up in a town near where “Mr. Hands” met his fate. My sister was a cop at the time and went over to the police station shortly after completely unaware of what had happened and didn’t understand the looks she got from them when she asked “how’se it going? Anything new?”

    Like, fucking what?

  • Blocking sports streaming is such all out greedshit™.

    Look, if I’m watching hypothetically watching a stream without paying the premium, the commercials that have already been paid to the company are still showing, so that ad revenue is still being capitalized.

    What they want is for you to pay a premium to watch commercials during sports.

    Cable tv started wayyyyyy back when and the catch was: “pay for TV without commercials!”…which was fine and dandy, and it also had Music Videos!

    Then when I moved out on my own somehow commercials on cable tv were a thing and at that point I decided that if I am going to have to submit to commercials, then I shall not pay for cable TV.

    Old man rant over. Carry on. 🏴‍☠️