Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

  • 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • Hear, hear. That’s some bullshit.

    We’re about to enter an era where literally the only kind of thing that might work is a General Strike which is gonna mean people literally having to plan a month of eating very little because they won’t have income to buy fresh food. Packing stores of water in case your water gets shut off.

    It’s gonna suck real bad, but all these people are like “I want to get involved, but I’ve gotta go to work.” Motherfucker unless your job is literally saving the lives of people, your job can do without you. You can find another job. McDonald’s and Home Depot aren’t making the world a better place.

    Further, maybe we should all be bailing on these worthless jobs that aren’t contributing to society and instead give our skills to Mutual Aid Groups. Maybe our labor would be better spent on our communities rather than selling worthless plastic shit and unhealthy food back and forth to each other?

    You know how Amish communities get together to raise a barn for a neighbor? Yeah, that’s what we need to be fucking doing. The Amish suck in a lot of ways, but they understand that they have to pool their labor together to meaningfully take care of their community. We need community-driven Habitat For Humanity on fucking steroids.

    “We’ll still be expected to go to work during the apocalypse.” Yeah, only if you choose to bend over and fucking take it. You could also walk out of the fucking job because it’s the fucking apocalypse.

  • The fact that through all this gaslighting and society falling apart the best therapists can do for me is to give me techniques to ignore it all.

    Like at what point do we stop making it the job of people who have been broken by this society to fix them fucking selves and control their emotions while all the assholes who keep making it worse are never expected to fix shit about themselves?

    The worst literally just shrug it all off and keep being assholes. When the fuck are mental health professionals gonna acknowledge maybe its not up to us to fix ourselves when society itself is breaking our minds?

    The gaslighters, abusers, and selfish all just get to keep doing what they’re doing and all of us halfway decent people have to do “better” because of them. It’s literally the same stupid attitude that allowed our country to be dragged into fascism.

    Stop making the fucking victims of it all be the ones who have to put in the work to fix anything!

  • “Sideloading” isn’t an actual thing. It’s a word the industry made up to make installing your own software sound dangerous.

    All traditional Windows applications were “sideloaded” and back then it was just fucking called installing an application.

    Prior to the bullshit ass Microsoft Store, sideloading was literally the only way to get shit on Windows.

    Linux also always allowed you to install applications directly. Everyone just uses package management software at this point because it’s all well managed and easier to keep things updated, but you can still install things manually with make.

    If this leads more people to understand that “sideloading” is some contrived boogeyman bullshit for just being allowed to install what you want on the device you fucking own that’s a good thing.

  • Literally every publicly owned corporation that is at the mercy of shareholders is on the wrong side of history.

    As this shit gets normalized, watch all of them fall in line.

    Apple is already back advertising on X.

    Corporations only care about money, and they will change their values to match what makes money.

    They never accepted women, blacks, latinos, LGBTQ+, and the disabled into their ranks because they thought those people were humans who had intrinsic value just for existing.

    No, they accepted them because they knew they were leaving money on the table. They could market shaving to women to increase razor blade sales, because now women employees would have money to spend. They could market hair care products to the black community because now their black employees would have money to spend.

    It was always about expanding markets and finding more people to sell shit to. Once that stops being profitable in the USA, treating those people like humans will stop. Watch it happen with the disabled and LGBTQ+ first.

    It was never just Rainbow Capitalism, because this shit literally goes all the way back to Women’s Suffrage and the Civil Rights eras. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  • The original founder is a hack who has bailed on each of his companies. When Pebble shut down people were supposed to keep their jobs. Many found at the last minute that their jobs weren’t part of the deal.

    He then started Beeper, fucked around and found out with Apple iMessage without a plan and then almost immediately gave up, which is wild because Beeper was a paid service. Don’t even get me started on the privacy implications of having them in control of all your bridges and them needing a fleet of Macs online to push the iMessages through. This meant, especially early in development, you were handing a bunch of credentials to Beeper. (Not to mention my own personal experience with their lack of care towards user privacy) He then bailed and sold the whole thing to that dickbag Matt Mullenweg.

    Eric Migicovsky sucks noodles and I don’t trust him. This definitely feels like a cash grab. This guy has failed upward too many fucking times.

    EDIT: Also to be clear, Google made this Open Source very recently after buying Fitbit a few years ago. Migicovsky jumping in feels to me explicitly like a cash grab.