• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • My (red) state is one of those that changed the law to make it illegal for pornographic websites to be seen by children. To view them, you’d have to have some kind of central ID to prove that you are over 18. This is absolutely a precursor to having to have an ID to use the internet at all. Every bad thing that has ever happened on the internet will be used to convince legislators to enact a law like this. It’s only a matter of time.

  • For me it was playing Life is Strange for the first time. I bought it because it had been listed on Steam as “Overwhelmingly Positive” for ages, and at the time I was really enjoying the story-based games that companies like Telltale were producing. So, knowing nothing about the game, I picked it up and started playing it.

    The first act was slow. What I didn’t realize at the time was that the writers were establishing Arcadia Bay, a city in the Pacific Northwest, as a character. All the people in it needed to be recognizable, so it took time for them to teach the player about who they were, what mattered to them, how they fit in to the city, and what their flaws were. I actually stopped playing for a while after the first act. But, luckily, I picked it back up over the holiday season.

    I still remember playing it in my living room. I was so thoroughly absorbed into the story that when something tense happened in the second act and I couldn’t stop it the way I normally could, I was literally crushing the controller as if I could make things work by pulling the triggers harder.

    I am decidedly not the demographic that Life is Strange was written to appeal to, but they did such a good job writing a compelling story that it didn’t matter. I got sucked in, the characters became important to me, and I could not. put. it. down. I played straight through a night until I finished it.

    (If you’ve played it and you’re wondering, I chose the town the first time I played it.)

    I’ll never forget that game. I’ll also never forget the communities that spawned around it. I read the accounts of people who had just played it for the first time for about a year because it helped me relive the experience I had when I played it. It was incredible.

  • This is the one group that seems perpetually pissed off about everything, all the time, even getting things they wanted and asked for

    This is so true! One thing I’ve always loved about American liberal culture (yeah, I know; we’re not really liberal here) is that we laugh at our mistakes. For most of my life, Cable and Late Night comedy shows have been helping us find the humor in the things we would otherwise be enraged about. I feel like it has helped me stay sane all these years. I kind of feel bad for the Fox News-watching conservatives who spend their days oscillating from outrage to fear to outrage again. It must be hell on their cardiovascular health.

  • I don’t think people should downvote you for this opinion. What I do think you get wrong, however, is the popularity of legal abortion. It has been widely supported for decades. Popularity does vary by state, and it varies depending on how late the abortion is permitted, but it is still broadly popular.

    I made this point above, but I’ll state it again: the real purpose of this ad is to keep abortion being talked about. Republicans have been very silent about the topic since they began to see that their extremely hard-line stance against abortion was driving away voters. They would prefer to talk about inflation and economic issues, and not anger voters in key states. My bet is that any time abortion is mentioned in tonight’s debate, if it is mentioned at all, you will hear “but what we really need to talk about is Americans’ pocketbooks.”

    As for the demonic eyes, I have a feeling most of the people outraged by that are not voters that Biden can win anyway.

  • Given an average gas tax of 31 cents per gallon, and an average distance driven of 13,489 miles, and an average mpg of 15.7 (for passenger cars), the average driver might pay $266.34/year in gas tax in a year. Let’s say that the driver had to replace all of their tires every 45,000 miles. That means you’d have to recoup that annual gas tax amount 3.33 times in tire taxes. This would add $886.91 to the cost of the tire purchase, or $221.72 for each tire.

    I haven’t had to buy tires in a long time (small blessings from Covid), so I had to look up the average cost of a tire at Discount Tire. 16-20" all season tires cost $100-$250 each. Woof! That would take a total tire cost from $400-$1,000 to $1,286.91-$1,886.91.

    Don’t drive on any dirty roads, I guess. Those flats are going to be painful!