Just a dreamer. About happiness, having a family, especially a sister, the bestest type of friend to have - trust, vibe and be shtoopid with, throw non-sexual love at. Also dreaming about a world where people talk WITH instead ABOUT you.

Autistic asexual trans woman.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • To be honest I was just unsure if pacman itself supports AUR. Aside from that, it’s probably just… flavor, a choice up to you. Like, you get yay per default when you go EndeavourOS and I love it that I just need to type yay and everything updates. I didn’t use Arch itself yet, because I’m already DIYing my mental health and body. Can at least my PC just work? :D shrugs Yeah, no, I just never used actually Arch yet. shrugs

  • Hey, sorry if I came over a bit sassy… I can help you get more GUI. You’re on Arch. On Arch you kinda have everything you want. You just need to take it. Like, if you prefer update your stuff via a GUI there’s Pamac. The AppLibrary-app-thingy Manjaro is using.

    First we need an AUR-helper. For example YAY. If you don’t have it yet, take this screenshot.

    After yay is installed type in the terminal

    yay -S pamac-all-git

    Sorry that I’m not more of a help. Happy linuxing! 💜

    Edit: The cut off command in the screenshot is git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay-bin.git

  • Hey, I just wanted to let you know, thanks for your input. I followed it, but sadly I can’t go to kernel 5.x in Endeavour either. Well, now I can only hope 6.5 is going to fix it already, because, apparently 6.1 already had that issue I mentioned in my previous post too. I’m… kinda impressed that Fedora, where I had them first, was stable until 6.4. Oh well…

  • Rina@feddit.detoLinux@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Linux and BSD are superior in almost every way. You could literally run an entire organization on Linux Mint as the desktop.

    Hope this company organization isn’t running on AMD though, because, omg I swear I’m going to freak out here if they don’t fix it already… These random freezes, multiple times a day, while you where doing… nothing, aside from maybe typing something. A task that shouldn’t bother a 2000€ machine at all…

    Kernel 6.x was a mistake.

    amdgpio invalid config param 0014

  • Distros with “apt” …Updater breaks at some point for me, because an installed package is newer than expected. …However that’s possible? The terminal then said I could try fixing that with some command it even provides. But… it doesn’t fix it.

    Manjaro …Updater breaks at some point for me if I dare to use 2 or 3 things from AUR.

    Currently it’s not possible to use openSUSE with AMD hardware, because there’s a kernel bug regarding the AMD drivers (which leads to random freezes and reboots multiple times a day), and openSUSE doesn’t provide any way to downgrade the kernel to before 6.4 …if you’re feeling lucky you can opt-in to try 6.5-RC though. In 6.5 the issue got fixed by accident, as in “nobody knows what did it”, but it was still annoying for laptop users, as you need to manually start games with DRI_PRIME=1 %command% as 6.5 apparently is still unable to toggle between iGPU and dGPU, an issue also introduced with 6.4, as far I remember.

    Right now I’m on Debian, because Debian is using the 6.1 kernel and with 6.1 the world was still okay. But, Debian is more work than I expected. Before Debian I had the impression that Linux is easy and “just works”. Yes, really… But in Debian I first needed to modify the sudoers, then I was unable to use the “pip” command in the terminal… meanwhile I am able to use the command, but it doesn’t what I want it to do. Then native Lutris tells me something about missing drivers. Flatpak Lutris tells me something about esync. Can’t install native Steam because apt tells me that something is missing, but it also says it’s unable to provide it. …et cetera.

    I’m since the 6.4 kernel so damn annoyed, really… Oh well, but I have a spine, dislike Microsoft for various reasons and I hated Windows10 after only one day. …And, if someone understands German and read my post history here, oh well, it’s okay, my life’s overall shit… A semi-useless Debian is still a lot better than a Fedora or openSUSE that freezes multiple times a day for absolutely no reason aside from “amdgpio invalid info param 0014” (at least that is what openSUSE shows me when I force reboot…)

    If that is too far offtopic or something… I will throw a coin into the Ubuntu box. Fck Canonical.

  • Rina@feddit.detoLinux@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    As an expert for horrible wording myself… ahem I just want to point out, that Mark the Canonical dude said at some point that worrying about privacy as Ubuntu user is stupid because “We have root. You trust us with your data already.”. …uhhhhhhhhhh… ok? That was really… really unluckily worded. Even for me. And trust me. I’m an expert for unlucky wording and my life could be SO different if I wasn’t an autistic dumbfuck people are scared of when I actually and genuinly like or even love them… 😭