I thought he was maybe behind the driver’s seat but it’s hard to tell.
What I don’t understand is how in the hell he’s wearing that seatbelt. It looks like a great way to ensure you don’t survive an accident
I thought he was maybe behind the driver’s seat but it’s hard to tell.
What I don’t understand is how in the hell he’s wearing that seatbelt. It looks like a great way to ensure you don’t survive an accident
Ooh, that makes sense. Sounds like it could be much cheaper to process than heavy collision models. Thanks for the clarification!
Not disputing you, but hasn’t hitscan been a thing for decades? Or is what you’re saying a different thing?
Also, I always thought that the CPU and GPU either couldn’t communicate with each other, or that it was a very difficult problem to solve. Have they found a way to make this intercommunication work on a large scale? Admittedly I only scanned the article quickly, but it looks like they’re only talking about graphics quality. I’d love to know if they’re leveraging the GPU for more than just visuals!
I haven’t played Foundation, but since you’re looking for laid-back and medieval, there’s a really cozy looking game I want to try called Tiny Glade that apparently has no objectives. It seems to be a pure sandbox game.
Plus, if you like supporting devs who use smaller/less-well-known engines, this one runs on Bevy, a small Rust-based engine!
Me too! Maybe the Steam name is just the boost the Linux market share needs. But wait, I thought Fry’s went out of business. Do they still exist, and the two near me just imploded?
Regardless, MicroCenter is way better, and also closer than either Fry’s was to me 😎
France or Belgium would be my guess. The box on top of the cabinet reads “Le temps des soupes”
Agreed. They need to retire that dogshit engine and write a new one. I know that’s a huge and expensive undertaking, which is why they probably won’t. TES6 will sell like hotcakes on its name alone.
I had been looking forward to TES6 for so damn long, but at this point the most exciting thing we can look forward to is the crazy glitches that speedrunners will discover. That is, if they’re not just the same glitches we’ve alll seen time and again.
When I read your comment, I internalized “sorted” as “sordid.” I guess either one works!
I was talking to a friend the other day and trying to convey how good that fight looks. In some ways it’s kind of cliché (the narrative flips on the “lightning” switch for effect), but it’s so well-done that it doesn’t matter. If you let yourself get swept up in the story, it’s so damn tense and emotional. And the music, oh my god…
Off-topic, but I finally beat TotK the other day and the experience was utterly transcendent. I’m still blown away. They seriously made up for the deflated final fight in BotW, and then some.
The only Zelda-like I can think of right now is Tunic. I haven’t finished it yet, but it’s a great game. It’s on PC and all the major consoles. I’d say it’s more like the pre-N64 Zeldas than the open-world ones. Also has an in-game manual that’s 100% inspired by the manual that came with the first Zelda on NES. Incredibly charming game.
Respect 👍 I still have all my old consoles and games from my childhood, all the way back to the NES. And I still collect classics that I didn’t grow up with. Hope you play yours on a good ol’ CRT :)
I really like DKR but I was never amazing at it. Especially the boss races. Killer soundtrack though. I listen to it more often than I play the game lol
In case you don’t know about it, there’s a cool site called Retro Achievements that has community-curated achievement sets for thousands of games (and leaderboards for specific tasks, like Mario 64’s Princess’ Secret Slide), and it integrates nicely with RetroArch and Dolphin (I haven’t looked into other emulators, but I’m sure there are other supported ones). It’s given me a great reason to play all my childhood games again, instead of playing them just to waste time.
Speaking of BK, I finished that set just last night and it was so satisfying. I’m sure you’d make short work of the DKR achievements!
Came here to say this! Take my upvote!
the Borderlands movie I would have loved will never exist.
For me it’s Monster Hunter. I refuse to watch the one they made a few years ago. I wonder if there’s a supercut of only scenes that feature the monsters. Or anything involving the Charge Blade.
After reading the synopsis, why tf did they have to make it an isekai?
Yeah, I’m aware that all or numbers and models are, at best, representative of what is really happening. That’s what I love about the limits of our knowledge: there always something more to learn.
I wonder how spacetime around a black hole’s ergosphere is represented by the “flow” analogy. Maybe like water swirling around a drain?
That’s a really interesting perspective. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it described that way before, but it’s very easy for me to grasp. Do you have any resources I can look into for more information? Does that concept have a name I can look up?
Not being able to give support to friends and family will feel really weird.
I see it as being liberated. Besides, while it’ll suck to be unable to fix their problems, if it gets bad enough that they consider other operating systems, you’ll be right there to help them switch!
Reminds me of that time (as if it was only once) a depressing amount of people, mostly conservatives, didn’t know that the ACA and “Obamacare” mean the same thing.
Conservative politics depend heavily on placing labels on everything because it’s a built-in way of telling the rubes what they should think and feel.