A Sacagawea dollar coin.
A Sacagawea dollar coin.
There were millions of planets in the Republic, and only about 10k Jedi at any one time. The vast majority of people would never have seen one. The vast majority of planets would probably go generations between having one visit. It is entirely believable that most wouldn’t think that Jedi were real.
I don’t name my machines anything special, but I’ve started naming my internal hard drives/samba shares after planets, and external drives after moons.
Even the remake of Pirates! is fantastic.
I just want Super Mario Bros 35 back…
Agreed. One of my biggest complaints about the first season was how much time they wasted on subplots that didn’t exist in the books, trying to explain stuff that would have gotten covered later anyway with better, more established characters.
That can’t happen, as Gamefreak owns a partial share of Pokemon, along with Nintendo.
When I helped my father run ethernet in my family’s home, we ran cables up to the attic, dropped them down to specific rooms between the walls, then drilled holes for panels as needed.
At the very least, my steam copy on windows 10 worked just fine a week ago on my yearly playthrough.