I’ll check it out, thanks!
I’ll check it out, thanks!
Windows’ lightweight photo editing thing. Great for highlighting screenshots.
All image editing software on linux (that I’ve tried) is 10x more clunky.
I remember being super excited over 13, only to fall asleep playing it. 98% of combat encounters was just mashing X-button :/
Better question is what doesn’t it import.
Cars? Imported. Induatrial tools? Imported. Electronics? 100% of it is imported.
It has decent agriculture production, but all the tractors and factories for it are aging, cause maintenance got really expensive after the war because yes all that machinery was imported.
Oh and weapons. They do produce weapons.
All imported goods will be more expensive. So, like, everything.
True, can’t think of how would you combat a cleverly written aim-bot.
Don’t tell the client what’s going on outside its vision, I suppose? Add a small buffer to compensate for latency, so wall hack would be more of a “corner hack”.
I imagine the alternative way to combat kernel-level cheats would be asking player for all his game state data, validating it on a server?
Wouldn’t work on peer-to-peer and you’d have to do a bunch of unnecessary compute(recalculating every tick if player-generated data is possible according to game rules) but its the only way I can think of.
I mean, its free no-authentication VMs. They had to put at least some guards against abuse.
Valve been private company allows them to avoid some shortsighted decisions of public corps, but they’re no saints.
We need more stores, with an interstore protocol allowing you to move your licenses. EU get on that please