Super cool. Working on some ebeam sterilization stuff through contractors. Cool to see the nuts and bolts.
Super cool. Working on some ebeam sterilization stuff through contractors. Cool to see the nuts and bolts.
because only product being irradiated goes there. no human should be in that area. plus with the lights off you see the ionized air. that would probably be washed out with another light source.
the pardon is for tax and gun charges, right? no drug charges?
at this point I don’t give a fuck, I just don’t want to hear the words “democrat” and “strategist” in the same sentence anymore.
White bean chili is one of my favorites.
I saw somewhere there exists a saying along the lines of ‘start sauteing onion, add some garlic, then you figure out what you are going to cook.’ When my wife and I have time to actually cook, this is basically what we do. everything is better with garlic and onions, from German to Korean. The rest is just details.
I’m not a programmer but I have at least one double booking every day. Some weeks look like a brick wall sideways (they seem to always overlap by a half hour for some reason).
If y’all have worked with silicone oil, yea it works kinda like this (depending on viscosity).
It creeps up out of containers, it creeps up walls. It gets everywhere.
I had the switched on Bach cassette when I was a kid. I thought it was cool.
that would make someone a real bastard…
That’s why my favorite composer is Edgard Varèse
Damnit Christopher, why you gotta be all misogynist?
Hey fellow old person. How’s the midlife crisis shaping up?
We owned it (I think I still have it). It was kinda tough game. I never beat it.
wait till you hear about Dijongate
My brother loves his xterra so much he is on his 3rd (first was an accident, second went to the ex in the divorce). I rarely ride in it, but it seems kinda like a rattle trap to me. I dont know how much of that is his abuse and how much is the car.