They haven’t worked since all becoming for profit, rather than for… dating. Turns out setting people up should really be charity work, not for profit.
They haven’t worked since all becoming for profit, rather than for… dating. Turns out setting people up should really be charity work, not for profit.
Yeah, pretty sure Sam Altman is an investor in Praxis which is another one of those projects to make a billion run fifedom.
Quickly, ask AI how to improve or practice critical thinking skills!
There’s some grass, but it looks to be mostly dirt.
Yeah, that’s more gravel… It’s all the same.
Meh, all gravel is walkable terrain.
I don’t think this counts. The side area seems to be paved or gravel, it’s not going anywhere new. It’s just over grown except for where more people are walking, but in general everyone is still on the pathway laid out, rather than going anywhere new they desire.
… they’re just choosing to take the far right side of a pre established walking track. So the designers got their assumptions right.
Nah, this doesn’t count. The designers creating a walkway then people walking down that walkway way…
… that’s not a desire path to anywhere new. It’s just people traveling a path in yhe way designers expected.
I mean, it’s a bridge, people aren’t going where they desire, they’re going to where ever the bridge connects on the other side (so it’s not really controlled by their desires).
Total fail. Not what this place is for.
That’s just dirt track on a larger dirt track which is going to connect those places anyway. So the planners were correct making it all a giant dirt track.
This is more like, which side of a pre-designated road are people using. It’s more a heat map of a planned track, rather than people laying down new tracks.
Maybe if it was all grass it would better fit here. But the designers generally seem to have known “they’ll walk somewhere on this giant dirt road!”…
…and they were correct.
No, the joke you’re making is about Anonymous, and the authorities trying to find the leader of them.
Antifa (Antifaschistische Aktion, Anti Fascism) on the other has and will periodically form into local chapters (usually out of members of other more permanent anarchist, communist, and protest groups), to participate in protests, produce things like stickers or book drives, run pop-up or community libraries, events and form other organizational structures, events, or projects.
You’re confusing temporary, and anarchistic, with not existing.
From Wikipedia:
The contemporary antifa movement has its roots in the West German Außerparlamentarische Opposition left-wing student movement and largely adopted the aesthetics of the first movement while being ideologically somewhat dissimilar. The first antifa groups in this tradition were founded by the Maoist Communist League in the early 1970s. From the late 1980s, West Germany’s squatter scene and left-wing autonomism movement were the main contributors to the new antifa movement and in contrast to the earlier movement had a more anarcho-communist leaning. The contemporary movement has splintered into different groups and factions, including one anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist faction and one anti-German faction who strongly oppose each other, mainly over their views on Israel.
So yeah, antifa is a movement which does periodically have people participate in it. They’re just usually temporary and anarchistic.
Likewise with the French Resistance, or Marquis - yes there were various groups, and they had different structures, some of which were independent detached cells, but at various points some were aided with more official supply, intel, organization, and assistance from allied forces, and required more communication and so some become more “official” due to this. So it was mixed, some completely independent, others less so.
This is part of what makes these organizations effective, and difficult to stop. It’s not the same as them not existing… Not having set and formal national leadership, being temporary, or anarchistic, is not the same as not existing, or having no members.
So that’s how we get a moon colony!
You got things backwards.
The hackers known as anonymous all went their separate ways long ago, leaving 4chans anonymous to be little more than a series of social media accounts releasing videos periodically. You say “they released a statement yesterday”… Er… That’s all they do. They haven’t had any power and members with skill sets since 2008 or so.
…and antifa do exist. Most anarchist are, or are willing to call themselves antifa. A huge number of people used black block (blocking out), and mutual aid to manage, organize, and run the Black Lives Matters riots, and the Portland Corrections protests.
Behind the Bastards had a whole series detailing it, including all the local chapters and groups that cropped up or started in that period.
So pretty much the opposite of what you said: Anonymous doesn’t really exist beyond constantly releasing statements, and antifa does exist and will most likely take up organizational roles if any long term street protests erupt.
Interesting that he’s making this offer now, isn’t it. Almost like he’s recently got access to a large sum of money.
Pigs will eat anything.
Is this The News? Looking forward to listening to some Weather Report later.
What if you did a hill on top… So it was a parabolic curve.
So much better than always hearing about her cousin at Nvidia.
LibreWolf and FireFoxFocus.
Firefox on android keeps turning it’s “Data Collection” options on. I’m no longer able to trust it. The company is starting to show signs of rot.
But they’re always right, just look at Google glass, Google plus, and Stadia… Or google buzz, google health, and igoogle.
Yep, Google never gets it wrong.