Looking at prices, when my 2080 ti dies the next cheapest option is a steam deck.
Looking at prices, when my 2080 ti dies the next cheapest option is a steam deck.
Upstate NY here. Wife left the windows open all day so she could convince me it was cold enough to start the pellet stove.
Our cats wouldn’t touch them. At all. 😟
Six to midnight over here. Keep talking.
Pharmaceutical businesses enter the chat
The ladder is getting pulled up on a lot of people.
I’ve been hopping back and forth between the two quite a bit while replaying last epoch.
And then died living off social security and Medicare.
Possibly correct answers lol
+1 for Halls and Death Must Die is also quite fun.
I had to add original to get it to come up before 3 pages deep. 😟
The worst part about this movie is you can’t even see the original in search results anymore. Like it never existed.
If you don’t use the rainbow gradient fill, are you even word arting? Warting?
Side question: Are you exposing your pihole externally?
They survived Baggio blowing that pen. They can survive anything.
I’m also maxing out my connection now… At roughly 5 up.
400 million dollar investment fraud scheme you say?
Nah just good old incompetence. Damn shame.
I work as a contractor in Pharma/Consumer goods AKA the FDA/DEA controlled territory. If i ignored people who differ from my caucasian/Irish ass i would bea very broke contractor.
These are also bids i put out, I’m not being recruited I’m being interviewed for the bid i put in.
This needs to be reiterated. If you need to comply with ANY laws at all do not perform this service yourself. Consult professionals and allow them to assume that risk.
If all you are doing is trying to encrypt notes you are taking then maybe that’s a different story. Please just make sure you are not at a legal risk.
Same game engine that had me spinning uncontrollably during the unskippable opening credits on a fresh install?