Welcome to the 21st century.
Welcome to the 21st century.
Neither party has made any effort to eliminate the unconstitutional Patriot Act either, instead, actually ramping it up.
It’s a standard good cop, bad cop routine. They’re playing off each other to keep the people perpetually in conflict, and scared. Both sides are convinced that every election means the end of democracy if they lose, and neither side is in a position to demand change, instead desperately trying to cling to the remnants of their former liberties.
I’m going to try this. My wife bought Civ 6 for the Switch instead of one of our better platforms for some reason, and it runs awful. Each turn takes like 5 minutes for the computer opponents once you have significant development. It’s almost unplayable once you get to advanced eras.
Ssshhhh… No more observation, only sleep.
1600? Damn, I didn’t realize it is that slow. Have you had any heat or stability issues after overclocking?
Okay, you got me there. I’m not an ant! There. I said it!
What if I’m an ant?
They’re not transparent when viewing from the front, but there’s not really any point to it being transparent either, unless it’s a holographic projection.
Private jet packs, flying cars, robot butlers, implantable cybernetic upgrades, a cure for baldness, affordable and safe space flight, free healthcare, a future that doesn’t look like the love child of Idiocracy and Demolition Man.
I’m going to have a difficult time proving anything when I’m dead. Could perhaps someone who survived me provide such proof?
But what if I went to the Zoolander School for Kids who don’t Read Good?
1" diameter
Oof! Self burn.
I didn’t realize that RDR was created for less powerful systems and runs well on Switch. I guess I’m thinking of RDR2. Every cross platform game I’ve bought for my Switch so far has been a pretty big bummer.
There’s a Linux specific Steam program though. Is there a Linux specific GOG program?
Better yet, can we just get a law that makes it so when we buy something we own it?
The Switch is great for games made for the Switch. It’s pretty terrible for games made for more powerful platforms. It takes forever for stuff to load, and the GFX are poor.
When was the last time that the Dems undid something that the GOP did? They throw their hands in the air and go “it sucks that the GOP did that! Oh well!”. As far as actually enacting policies, there are few, and they’re far in-between, but they’re considerably better than what the GOP does. The Affordable Care Act comes to mind as a piece of positive legislation, but that was over a decade ago now.