I am not sure if I have a Treatment Resistant Depression, but I sure have been on multiple SSRIS for the last 10 years.

I honestly don’t feel any of them have “really worked” besides being numb.

I want to stop taking them eventually, wondering if Ketamine would open me in therapy and make it more meaningful/impacting.

I’m a really anxious person, so the thought of trying Ket or psychedelics always gets me nervous, like permanently making my anxiety worse or wake up some schizophrenia (I have no signs, nor I have relatives)

I know that attentiveness and dopamine regulation won’t improve with ket, but has anyone else been able to treat the depression and anxiety that comes with ADHD?

  • qooqie@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    So talk to a psychiatrist about this. Not an NP or other, a real psychiatrist.

    However, I do know ketamine is useful for TRD, and it’s low dose no need to worry about tripping balls. Electroshock therapy is another useful tool for TRD. Finally Auvelity is a new med that is real good for TRD and depression in general. All are really good, and reported positively by patients.

    As for making your anxiety worse? Doubtful. Awakening schizophrenia? Not how it develops so no chance of that.

    • diannetea@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      I would add to look into transcranial magnetic stimulation as well, it has an insane rate of success.

      I’ve recently been referred to a major hospital that offers this, ketamine, and electroshock therapy, I’m still waiting to be scheduled but I have a long documented history of treatment resistant depression and the many medications I’ve tried. I’ve had severe depression for over 25 years now, I’m exhausted and finally have hope for relief.