I would really rather that these were actual examples, and not conspiracy theories. We all have our own unsubstantiated ideas about what shadowy no-gooders are doing, but I’d rather hear about things that are actually happening.

  • BreakDecks@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    Lithium mining is quite destructive, and electric vehicles don’t have the longevity ICE cars have and more quickly turn into waste. We’ve just replace one form of ecological damage for another.

    Reducing our dependence on oil is important, but we need actual sustainable solutions, like investing in public transportation infrastructure powered by renewables, and reducing reliance on personal vehicles.

    Capitalists are seeking to profit off of the lie that your individual decisions can help save the planet from their relentless profit seeking behavior. Don’t believe them. They just end up selling their carbon credits giving another company the greenlight to pollute even more, canceling out any benefit they might be able to claim.